Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last day of 2009 and my last day in kk T.T

♥Celine and me

♥Lovely popcorn

♥Donut donut

♥With my boubuii laogong at

♥At laogong's house =)

Haiz.. today is the last day for me in kk already T.T today im so sad for this but i really happy celebrate the count down with laogong and his family. Laogong, im really so happy this few days sleep at your house and be with you the whole day. Laogong i really love you so much~ how i want to past my next year in school is without you? I dont want no laogong help me takes book in the morning and after school, i dont want no laogong acompany me go canteen having breakfast and lunch T.T

Today i have a wonderful day with laogong. We from morning till evening do what also together. We together watch tv, play puppy, play wii, eating, cycle and many. I will remember all the time with laogong =( Next time i go back i want do this all thing with laogong again.

When at night, laogong and me help laogong's mamii do thing in the kitchen. After do finish, we acompany mamii go out take the mee and buy some food again. When buying food, laogong buy jor a popcorn and a milk tea to me. When arrive home, Aann is going laogong's house find me, because she knows im the last day at here already. She buy a box of donut to me. Thanks aann =) After that, laogong and i go outside sit the swing and take pic =) Then when all the food is ready, we go bbq. After eating, laogong and me sit on 1 bicycle. Waoohh~ laogong fetch me then come down frow the hill with high speed. So scary but so syok =P

After that we go in house watch and help his mum and dad keep thing. Then when around 12, tony laogong and i and some friends go out side the guard house there then put firework. So beautiful orhh. I first time see firework is in front to me. Really so near~ After that we go back the house again.

I so hope the time can stop at just now. I dont want leave here T.T we watch tv, drinking, talking and see laogong play dota to past the time. Haiz~ so fast.. like awhile only jiu 3 more jor T.T laogong's mum and dad is back home. Then i ready all thing then go down with tony laogong. His mum help laogong and i take many picture and me also got take a picture with auntie =)

Around 4 then his mum fetch me go home take my xing li then fetch me go airport. Jing bang got send me a present. I so DISSAPOINTER of someone that night. Finally 露出真面目.. I wont forget about that. You're not m friend anymore. I wont find you anymore. You're too 过分. Hate it!! When on the way to airport, we all at car also quite. Cause really so sad T.T laogong and me already cry T.T when arrive airport, celine also arrive there jor. Laogong's mum help us take picture again. When 5 more, laogong and his mum ready to back home and me also ready to go in already =( i cant stop my tears T.T laogong told me his mum also crying. Laogong and mamii dont cry. I will so miss you two =( laogong want hear mamii's words arhh. Dont forget our promise orhh. Later arrive home go see the present, it is under laogong's pillow.

Laogong, i wont forget what have i promise. Laogong also dont forget okay? We must together gambateh arhh. Dont suddenly give up arhh. Laogong and mamii dont sad arhh. Laopo will fast fast go back see you two gehh. I promise =) Laopo will so miss laogong gehh. Laogong also orhh. Dont care how far we are, in my heart we'll never be apart. Muacksss~

Friday, December 25, 2009

Hohoho~ Merry Christmas!!

♥ Me =)

♥ Tony la0g0ng and me at la0g0ng's car =)

Jingle bell jingle bell~ hoh0ho~~ MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! hahaha.. Today wake up at 9 m0re with t0ny la0g0ng =) then i g0 brush teeth and la0g0ng is playing psp.. when 10 m0re a bit, la0g0ng's mum and dad is wake up then all g0 ready g0 out j0r.. we g0 eat dim sum at pr0menade orhh..

After that eating we g0 cp and warisan walk walk lurhh.. la0g0ng and his br0 t0gether buy j0r a pol0 shirt t0 his dad.. then at cp they buy j0r a few wii's game and 3 dvd =) when ar0und 2 then we g0 karamunsing there d furniture sh0p.. they buy j0r a swing g0ng.. LOLS == after that jiu back h0me lurhh..

When arrive h0me, all g0 change shirt j0r then watch just n0w buy d dvd orhh.. we watch that 刺陵.. wala0~ d0nt kn0w what m0vie laii d.. fr0m start till end me als0 d0nt kn0w what is it talking ab0ut, really s0 b0ring == when 4 o cl0ck, th0se pe0ple send thr swing c0me already.. t0ny la0g0ng and me g0t g0 try try and sun bian g0 play with th0se cutie puppy =P

Then la0g0ng and me g0 play wii at up stair.. we play metal slug =) hahaha.. s0 funny orhh xD which butt0n is f0r put b0om we als0 d0nt kn0w ^^''' but we still c0mplete all missi0n.. after playing then la0g0ng g0 bath, i at r0om rest t0 wait him =)

Afer all is ready then we g0 out lurhh.. we g0 suria eat shabu shabu orhh.. n0t s0 nice gehh.. because the s0up n0 any taste gehh.. but is s0 营养 gehh.. hmm~ After eating we g0 metr0jaya walk walk lurhh.. wala0~ they by a l0t of thing tuu.. see they buy thing me als0 hak da0.. like n0 need m0ney gehh.. la0g0ng's mum als0 buy thing like n0 need m0ney gehh.. heh xD

When ar0und 10, la0g0ng's dad send me back h0me lurhh.. I l0ve my this year's christmas.. im s0 happy celebrate with la0g0ng and his family =)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas eve

♥ Present from la0g0ng's mum =)

♥ Present from my t0ny la0g0ng =)

Yeahh~ christmas is coming xD t0day g0 t0 lintas with t0ny and his mum early in the m0rning.. because la0g0ng want see d0ct0r orhh.. wala0~ we at there wait veryyyy l0ng time tuu.. then when 12 m0re, i g0 kian k0k by taxi sin lurhh.. haiz~ really bu xiang g0 =( i d0nt want take my PMR RESULT orhh T.T haiz~ really cham my result.. never think my result will like that, 2A only.. never think just can get 2A T.T and an0ther is 4B, 2C.. Got C~ haiz!!!!!

After that i g0 back lintas there then eating pan mian with la0g0ng and his mum =) After eating la0g0ng's mum bring me g0 弄指甲 orhh.. la0g0ng's mum d0 leg and hand gehh.. I just d0 hand gehh.. thanks auntiee =) we d0 lia0 alm0st 3 h0urs orhh.. After finish d0 nails then we g0 da ba0 yoy0.. hehe~ da ba0 j0r then back h0me lurhh..

When arrive h0me then i take my thing g0 la0g0ng ro0m lurhh.. Then la0g0ng puii me g0 see the puppies.. wala0~~ SOOOOOOOOO CUTE GONG =D all small small gehh.. s0 funny when at there play with th0se puppies xD after playing then g0 bath bath lurhh.. haha =) after bath then with la0g0ng's wh0le family eating at h0me orhh.. yerr~ s0 scare =(

7 m0re then we g0 church orhh.. bef0re g0 church we g0 fetch la0g0ng's grandma.. when at church i keep see la0g0ng's play hp game.. he play with his br0.. we take da0 a present bef0re want leave church.. after finish at church we g0 la0g0ng's grandma h0use yam cha with his relati0n tuu.. s0 scare tuu T.T actually i d0nt eat th0se cha gu0 gehh.. but la0g0ng's grandma takes t0 me orhh.. s0 i must eat lurhh.. hehe~

After eating then we back h0me lurhh.. when arrive h0me then all g0 change shirt and g0 watch tv.. see th0se staring dancing orhh.. watch finish j0r then all g0 up prepare present orhh.. haha xD t0ny la0g0ng and his mum g0t give me present orhh.. me als0 g0t give la0g0ng and his mum present tuu.. hehe =) his mum see j0r the present then c0me in r0om says like the present s0 muchh warhh =P

La0g0ng's mum give me a mickey bag and a card.. la0g0ng give me a 脚链, christmas bear, cow cow, music b0x and 2 christmas card =) i l0ve that music b0x s0 much.. inside is my favaurite s0ng, CLOSE TO YOU orhh.. i really s0 like it =) thanks la0g0ng.. muackss~ i give la0g0ng myself d0 d card, a pair or c0uple cup, christmas minnie and stick 夜光 on his wall.. stick XT ♥ XN..

After that we g0 watch tv lurhh.. then i wait la0g0ng sleep in me baru sleep orhh.. cause he is sick =( he keep says his h0u l0ng s0 pain s0 i g0 d0wn take a glass of water t0 him.. then n0t l0nger he sleep in j0r.. then me caii sleep =)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sy0k =D

【Little crab】

【So yeng d jellyfish =)】

【Lo0k like ice cream xD】

【Shell crab xD】

【My la0g0ng】

【Our shad0w】

【Tony la0g0ng】

【Our leg】

【Draw by la0g0ng】

Today wake up 9 m0re in the m0rning.. 10 o cl0ck g0 out with t0ny la0g0ng j0r.. hehe =) we g0 cp fr0m my hse by taxi.. when arive cp, we g0 waris0n mam mam.. aft that we g0 bck cp buy ticket t0 watch m0vie.. we watch z0mbieland orhh.. wala0~ s0 yuckiee lerhh ==

After that we g0 walk walk awhile and buy y0yo =) then we g0 tanjung aru by taxi lurhh.. 2 m0re we arive tanjung aru j0r.. we sit under a tree t0 drink our yoy0 then we take off sh0es start g0 the beach thr walk walk and play play lurhh.. hehe =) that time very s0 h0t.. the sun s0 big lerhh.. but we still play da0 s0 sy0k xD

We take lia0 many pic at thr orhh.. we hav al0t of fun at thr xD we saw many seashell will m0ving then la0g0ng take it up and c.. yuan laii inside gt crab d e.. wala0~ many orhh.. makes me s0 scare at thr.. but their shell s0 lenq d tuu.. then keep call la0g0ng take they up and c.. cs i dn dare t0 take it ^^''' then t0ny la0g0ng start take it t0 bully me orhh.. yerr~ s0 bad d orhh =P

Beside, we saw many jellyfish tuu.. wala0~ i s0 scare when walk at thr will suddenly bu xia0 xin step da0 jellyfish orhh.. thr d jellyfish s0 special d orhh.. i 1st time saw the jellyfish gt a symb0l like + or X gehh.. s0 nice tuu =D when we walk bck t0 we put sh0es thr thn start raining j0r.. s0 we run t0 we put sh0es thr orhh.. haha~ h0wever, we still gt abit she she.. but we s0 happy xD we lazy g0 t0 t0ilet thr wash leg s0 we g0 under a r0of then put leg g0 out use rain water clean leg xD

When 4 m0re the taxi arive j0r.. la0g0ng send me bck h0me then he g0 damai wait mamii g0 fetch he =) la0g0ng wif his mum g0 1b just n0w.. la0g0ng buy j0r a pill0w t0 me tuu.. hehe =) when i sleep the pill0w must hv a sweet dream with la0g0ng gehh =P

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Funny day xD

Today wake up at 9 o'cl0ck.. then t0ny la0g0ng c0me my hse at 9:30, aft that jing bang arive my hse at 10 m0re and celine is the m0st late 1.. heh~ when all arive my hse, then we g0 suria by taxi =)

Suria nt s0 many sh0p is opening gehh.. i saw a 'g0ng zaii' s0 cute orhh.. wala0~ i l0ve it s0 muchh.. but s0 expensive f0r a 'g0ng zaii' e =( originally we c0me suria is wn watch m0vie gehh.. cs celine's fren says t0day cinema open warhh.. manatahu lian cinema we als0 didnt saw it lerhh == thr d ascalat0r s0 scary d orhh.. wala0~ we saw da0 a BIG RAT walk at suria thr orhh.. hak sii me orhh == then we t0o hungry j0r s0 g0 pizza hut eating..

After that we walk t0 cp g0ng.. haha xD actually nt s0 far gehh.. just s0 h0t~ when arive cp we g0 buy ticket watch m0vie.. hehe~ we watch the st0rm warri0r =) wala0.. many ppl watch e.. make us want sit at B orhh.. s0 near g0ng =P After watch finish m0vie, t0ny la0g0ng puii me g0 buy y0yo drink.. hehe =) then en gt c0me find celine awhile.. then we n0 place cn g0 j0r s0 g0 waris0n kam t0ng thr find my k muii, shar0n~ then we at thr yam cha and talk talk wif shar0n.. l0ng time din c she j0r =)

When 4:30 we puii jing bang g0 cp thr find his br0 then we g0 h0me by taxi lurhh.. but t0ny la0g0ng wn g0 karamunsing orhh.. cs he want helps his mum buy thg =) and the next is me bck hum lurhh.. celine is the last again~ wahahaha xD

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tony la0g0ng i l0ve y0u~

Today wake up s0 early in the m0rning.. Tony la0g0ng and his mamii c0me my hse fetch me t0gether g0 eat breakfast orhh.. but la0g0ng mamii t0o late g0 out fr0m hse s0 she n0 with us g0 eat.. she fetch me and la0g0ng g0 beverly eating then she g0 w0rk ordy =) we eat at may and may.. nice~

After eating we g0 bukid padang by taxi.. we g0 thr want j0gging als0 cnt, cs my leg really s0 pain.. walk als0 hard ordy d0nt say is j0g == then we sl0w sl0w walk 1 r0und at thr als0 use lia0 many time nerhh.. cs my leg s0 pain cnt walk like n0rmally, walk da0 s0 sl0w.. then till half t0o pain then sit d0wn or la0g0ng beii me walk tuu.. i n0e he s0 tired and h0t d, but he still want beii me cs he n0e my leg really s0 pain.. muackss~ la0g0ng i l0ve y0u =) after walk finish then la0g0ng g0 buy 2 mineral water and 1 ju hua.. we share the ju hua and 1 b0ttle water.. an0ther b0ttle la0g0ng give me bring t0 my 10days trip later..

When ar0und 12 la0g0ng puii me g0 h0me by taxi then he g0 damaii lurhh.. then after i bath, my mum, dad and me g0 airp0rt j0r.. haiz~ i really s0 she bu de la0g0ng orhh =( when at aer0plane i really dr0p tears j0r T.T T.T when arive j0hor, i 1st must is open ph0ne find la0g0ng gehh =) bcs my leg is t0o pain, s0 at nite my br0 bring me g0 c d0ct0r orhh.. wala0~ he put needle at my leg there lerhh.. and then dn n0e use what tide at the needle there then gt electric d tuu.. wahh~ hak sii me orhh T.T s0 pain orhh =( then he 包 my leg e.. makes me want wear slipper f0r 3 days orhh.. when bath m0st cham T.T cs my leg thr cnt kena water tuu.. bath als0 hard orhh.. heh~

Tony la0g0ng, d0nt f0rget miss miss la0p0 arhh.. rmb drink m0re water and take care urself arhh.. d0nt yaiyai arhh.. heh~ la0p0 will s0o0o0o0o0o miss la0g0ng gehh T.T la0p0 will buy present f0r la0g0ng gehh.. hehe =) la0g0ng d christmas present me als0 want buy fr0m there.. muackss~ la0g0ng wait me c0me bck arhh.. LAOPO YONG YUAN AII NI YI GE ORHH~

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Today 9 m0re t0ny la0g0ng and i jiu at damai having our breakfast.. we eat pan mian~ the taste n0t bad =) aft that we g0 cp by taxi lurhh.. we g0 buy ticket (christmas car0l) haha.. g0t abit funny larhh =P many ppl c this m0vie als0 tuu.. hmm~

Aft that we g0 bck damai again.. we g0 having our lunch at burger king.. wa0ohh~ nice orhh xD aft eating la0g0ng send me bck hum lurhh =) t0day i having my dinner with my dad and mum at damai again~ l0ls == we g0 eat shabu shabu.. l0ng time din eat steam b0at j0r =D delici0us~~

La0g0ng says will gv surprise d arhh.. alth0ugh i d0nt n0e isit really a surprise or what, but i will wait it =) la0g0ng says i will s0 happy that time.. s0 i really s0 anticipate actually what is it.. it is a present? or a great time? or a thing? i h0pe it really can exchange t0day i wait d all time =P

唉~ 不要再不回我短信了.. 等了20多分钟你才回我.. 回我也是那几个字而已,你从来不会这样,你怎么了? 你在车的时候没时间和我传简讯吗? 就算你有也不到3封,好像不想理我一样.. 你说过玩game会跟我讲的,但你刚才怎么没说? 只叫我等你一下.. 平时你在玩,你还会回我的,但刚才怎么了? 刚才和你讲电话又是一下子你就讲眼睡了,是因为你玩game玩到累吗? 如果是,我希望你在和我讲电话之前不要玩.. 你知道你最近和我讲电话都只是一下吗? 你说你会关机的,可是刚才我试着打过去,既然 ''通了'' 但没声音的,是你在讲电话吗? 你知道我现在担心到什么程度吗? 你真的睡了吗? 你真的有关机吗? 怎么办 T.T

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Loves t0day..

Today wake up when 8 m0re.. my dad n mum rush t0 eat breakfast wif my relati0n.. they say 10 m0re baru c0me bck fetch me g0 damai warhh.. then i call t0ny la0g0ng c0me my hse sin baru t0gether g0 damai~ when 9 o cl0ck la0g0ng arive my hum j0r.. then we g0 damai fr0m my hse by taxi at 9:30..

Aft arive damai, we g0 having our breakfast lurhh.. me eat mee s0up wif 'yu pian' and t0ny la0g0ng eat meefun s0up wif 'yu pian' t0o =) aft that we g0 cyber play game, we t0gether play sd0.. wa0ohh~ l0ng time din play j0r me.. no0b j0r == aft that we g0 karamunsing sing k g0ng~ wahaha.. we have a l0t of fun at there =D wif t0ny la0g0ng sing da0 wn s0t s0t j0r xD when 2 o cl0ck we g0 fun square thr play lurhh.. La0g0ng play that car racing really s0 pr0 orhh =) we g0 play basketball and p0ker by the machine at fun square thr.. wala0~ s0 funny xD

When 3 m0re we g0 bck damai lurhh.. originally we wn g0 eat 'pan mian' gehh.. but cl0se j0r.. sad =( s0 we g0 y0yo lurhh.. La0g0ng and i at thr drink y0yo and play c0ins g0ng xD keep guess is 20 or picture xD ohyaa~ i saw rachel ling and lee kang yee at y0yo thr t0o.. we sit infr0nt of them =) Aft finish our drinks then we g0 cyber again =P t0ny la0g0ng play d0ta orhh.. his c0mp s0 lag tuu.. l0ls~ i dn n0e wanna play wat s0 just find s0me mini game 2 play lurhh..

Aft that we g0 eat and drinks at the sh0p dn n0e wat name.. but like 'li0ng cha p0u' gehh.. La0g0ng eat nasi lemak and drink lem0n ping, i just eat the 'mang gu0 mi gua xi mi lu' nt s0 nice gehh.. When 4:30 t0ny la0g0ng puii me bck h0me by taxi, then he g0 bck damai again t0 wait his mum fetch he..

Just n0w la0g0ng and his mum g0 city mall.. then la0g0ng g0 buy a c0uple watch orhh.. dn n0e is hw d lerhh =) he says when sat we out he will gv me c warhh.. thx la0g0ng orhh.. muackss!! la0g0ng, this watch means the time of us arhh.. s0 la0g0ng cnt let the watch st0p m0ving arhh.. i w0nt let it st0p, i will let it keep m0ving till the f0rever and ever m0re~ la0g0ng w0 aii ni =)

老公,你知道吗? 其实我真的好怕很多东西.. 我好怕过着见不到你的日子,我好怕你不会等我,我好怕你会放弃这一切,我好怕以后你会说现在许的这些承诺只不过是因为当时还小,我好怕你不会爱我了,我好怕你会离开我,我好怕你会爱上别人,我好怕你对别人有感觉,我好怕你会不要我了,我好怕你会找别人解闷,我也好怕你会骗我.. 或许没人会相信我们能做到我们说过的一切.. 但我相信我能,你相信你能吗? 我们许过的承诺,我希望你真的能陪我实现它,因为我真的好想让它实现,那也是我的梦想.. 你会陪我游过时间的海而实现它吗? 我的幸福未来一定要有你在,没有你=没有未来.. 可能别人都会觉得我现在还小很傻,很天真,但我可以很肯定的说,我爱统宏是因为我的感觉,不是我的年龄.. 我爱统宏的感触只有我一个人懂,不会有任何人懂.. 别人可以说我不够成熟,但不能说我不懂爱,因为每个人对爱的观念都不一样.. 你懂我想说些什么吗? 你懂我的感受吗? 你能不管任何事都不放手,都不退后,都不放弃,都不改变对我的爱吗? 我真的好爱你,永远都只爱你一个,张统宏~

Saturday, November 14, 2009

1st day of my h0liday =]

Today wake up s0 early in the m0rning.. 6:45 my alarm ring but i cl0se it j0r then bu xiia0 xin slp in again == luckily la0g0ng call me orhh.. if nt i mz slp da0 late j0r.. hehe =) when la0g0ng call me then i fast fast g0 prepared lurhh..

Ar0und 7 la0g0ng n his mum arive my hse j0r.. then la0g0ng n his mum n me t0gether g0 yam cha at beverly thr lurhh.. we eat dim sum =) aft that his mum fetch us g0 his mum d w0rk place thr.. then la0g0ng g0 interview, me 4l0w his mum at his mum sh0p thr.. with la0g0ng d mum talk talk lurhh =)

Aft that g0 damai wif la0g0ng and kai fung.. they at cx play game me c la0g0ng play d0ta lurhh.. me b0ring till play mini game wait the time pass then wif la0g0ng g0 kk watch m0vie wif leiyee them =) ar0und 11 we g0 kk by taxi lurhh..

We watch the 2012 orhh.. wala0.. the cinema full of ppl =) we sit at hall 8 tuu.. wa0ohh~~ lucky g0ng xD aft m0vie we g0 play basketball and take sweet gehh and take t0ken gehh =) aft that we g0 yam cha at secret recipe.. hv a l0t fun at thr.. s0 funny orhh =P

Ar0und 5, my dad c0me cp takes me and bck hum lurhh.. t0nite i g0 my relati0n d baby full m0nth at may fl0wer thr.. the baby s0 QQ orhh =)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Last day in kian k0k T.T

【My 1st place prize xD】

【My f0rm teacher in f0rm3 】

Today is our f0rm 3 and f0rm 6 d graduati0n.. t0day als0 my last year study in kian k0k ordy.. im happy t0 meet u all my classmate or friends =) h0pe u all will be happy everyday and take care yarhh..

Wao0hh~ i get the 1st place in my class =D finally i gt the 奖杯 is fr0m kian k0k 1 xD l0ng time din gt the 1st ordy.. b4 all s0 geng gehh =( ha0 caii the last year gv me take the 1st place ordy.. YEAHHHHH!!! t0day im really s0 happy bcs my la0g0ng t0ny pass tuu =) c0ngratulati0ns yarhh.. h0pe la0g0ng nex year can gt at least 50 mark in average yarhh.. muackss~

Aft scul t0ny la0g0ng and i and s0me of his fren g0 kk =) thy g0 interview tuu.. at 海王城 thr orhh.. but the time is 5pm till 11pm tuu.. s0 late e~ i bu xiang la0g0ng g0 thr w0rk orhh.. time is t0o late j0r =( i bu f0ng sam arhh ^^ Tml la0g0ng wn g0 interview at his mamii's fren d sh0p thr orhh.. tml la0g0ng d mamii m0rning c0me my hse fetch me g0 eat breakfast then puii la0g0ng g0 interview then g0 kk c m0vie orhh.. yerr~ i pa pa orhh.. hmm~ 2012 D TICKET WAIT ME!! IM COMING TML!!!!!!

La0g0ng, d0nt u cry~ la0p0 will be in ur heart gehh.. i f0rever als0 will l0ve la0g0ng gehh.. i mz will guaii guaii at thr gehh.. i w0nt 4get our pr0mise =) la0g0ng als0 d0nt 4get what la0g0ng hv pr0mise me orhh =) muackss~ >NOTHING'S GONNA CHANGE MY LOVE FOR YOU, IN MY HEART WE'LL NEVER BE APART<

My friends, im happy 2 meet y0u all =) d0nt 4get me tis friend arhh.. when im bck, i will g0 visit u all gehh =) take k yarhh..

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Nice day =D

Today t0ny la0g0ng celeb his birth nerhh.. hehe =) aft scul i f0ll0w leiyee g0 her hse bath bath sin then t0ny la0g0ng f0ll0w vui yang g0 hum als0.. aft that we all g0 1b meet lurhh =)

We watch ninja at 1b cinema thr.. aft m0vie we g0 mam mam at bak ku teh thr.. wala0~ s0 expensive orhh.. RM170 tuu~ dn n0e y s0 expensive gehh.. dn n0e that ppl gt c0unt wr0ng a nt gehh.. heh~ aft that we g0 play pool.. we in vvip r0om tuu xD wala0~ s0 big.. like cinema jiang orhh.. hahaha~ Aft that we g0 t0ny la0g0ng hse by his mum car lurhh..

Tony la0g0ng d hse s0 lenq n big orhh.. wa0ohh~~ he gt 5 d0gs orhh.. gt 1 s0 big orhh.. if put hand inside the cage, i thk the hand will hilang orhh xD he gt 2 d0g s0 cute orhh.. i keep playing with his that 2 d0gs.. hehe ^^

At his hse make me s0 scare orhh.. his parents and relati0n s0 friendly tuu.. when i at t0ny la0g0ng d r0om c c, his mum and relati0n at outside and call t0ny la0g0ng brg me g0 out let them c xia c xia warhh.. wala0~ of cs i will scare arhh.. his mum and relati0n direct c0me in orhh.. wa0oh~ her mum hlp me and t0ny la0g0ng take pic tuu =)

Tony la0g0ng d mum call me tuesday nite g0 eating with them orhh.. want let t0ny la0g0ng d grandma c c me warhh.. wa0ohh~ hak da0 me orhh.. i thk i cn g0 gehh but i s0 pa pa tuu.. luckily la0g0ng like my present orhh ^^ his mum and relati0n says me s0 y0u xin.. i really use many xing ji t0 d0 it d tuu =) his dad and mum tell la0g0ng ask me tml baru bck warhh.. they says tml aftn0on fetch me bck orhh.. but my XX XXX and XXXXXX mum dn gv == wait me h0liday i mz g0 again gehh =) muackss~

Alth0ugh t0day n0t la0g0ng d real birthday.. but i still want say t0 b0ubuii la0g0ng.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY~~~~~ I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER TILL UNLIMITED CENTURY =) MUACKSS!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hehe =)

Now at scul nth cn d0 gehh.. at thr walk up walk d0wn.. wat als0 play xD 2day we play p0ker card at j3yi.. suddenly that sim0n walk in then m0 sh0u.. thn all g0 hlp sim0n d0 thg == but i din g0 =P aft thy finish, t0ny la0g0ng, me, leiyee, vuiyang, nels0n g0 canteen eating =)

After that we g0 S1 thr du xD finally i understand s0me h0w t0 play laii pia =) but still gt abit blur blur gehh.. thn we g0 j2yi du lagii g0ng.. t0ny la0g0ng, me, leiyee n vui yang d0 z0ng ka.. play 9 dian and black jack.. wa0oh~ win many m0ney g0ng xD

Finish scul t0ny la0g0ng, me n yuan ting g0 damai mam mam.. we g0 eat pizza g0ng =) l0ng time din eat j0r.. wa0oh~ eat da0 s0 full =) aft that t0ny la0g0ng puii me bck hum by taxi lurhh.. arive hum jiu start d0 t0ny la0g0ng d present j0r..

Tony la0g0ng d birth is c0ming lia0 lurhh =) i gift he 3 present.. 1 is c0uple shirt, 2 n 3 is secret xD wait that day baru gv he c.. is 无价之宝 orhh.. cs is myself made it gehh =) h0pe la0g0ng lik it.. that c0uple shirt ord gv he.. cs sat we wn wear same same gehh xD leiyee n vui yang als0 gift he present j0r.. thy buy c0uple lian 2 he.. that time i keep cal leiyee dn buy cs s0 expensive tuu.. 130 orhh.. but at the last she als0 buy j0r.. she cal t0ny n me mz wn wear it when sat =)

Finally t0day i finish d0ing la0g0ng d present j0r.. wa0ohhh~~ i really use j0r s0 many xin ji.. waiting sat c0ming~ yeahhhh =D I LOVE YOU LAOGONG =)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

A 'syok' day xP

【Tony la0g0ng gv 't0upaii' by leiyee xD】

Today start g0 t0 scul lurhh.. hahaha~ dn n0e g0 scul 4 wat als0.. teacher mz n0 cum our class d larhh.. heh xD real d g0ng.. arive scul jiu start play until finish scul orhh.. t0ny la0g0ng, leiyee, vui yang, ah kit, h0w cek, zeng jun and nels0n cum my class then we play p0ker card.. hahaha~ s0 funny xD when we at class play, that leiyee SO BAD orhh.. keep takes t0ny la0g0ng and me d pic.. heh~

Not yet finish scul we jiu g0 out lia0 tuu =P vui yang call a taxi 4 leiyee and me g0 1b sin orhh.. they all g0 vui yang hse sin baru wait h0w cek fetch them g0 1b.. 2day we watch p0ker king.. leiyee and i g0 buy the ticket and wait them c0me =) we wait them until we s0o0o0o hungry j0r.. then we g0 eat KFC sin lurhh.. aft eating they jiu arive j0r.. we meet at cinema thr ^^

After m0vie we g0 play game and walk walk lurhh.. hahaha xD aft that we g0 having our dinner.. t0ny la0g0ng brg us g0 eat cr0c0dile meat tuu.. wao0hh~ then we gt order the meat ball.. that leiyee keep says that is cr0codile meat.. wahahaha~ s0 funny xD aft finish dinner.. h0w cek fetch celine and i g0 leiyee hse, t0ny la0g0ng and vui yang still at 1b =)

When at leiyee hse, leiyee is sms wif vui yang.. wala0~ s0 funny orhh them xD FINALLY vui yang success chase leiyee g0ng xD leiyee had taken by vui yang lia0 lurhh.. leiyee cnt zat me j0r xD turn me can zat she j0r.. wahahaha xD g0ng xi g0ng xi yarhh.. h0pe u 2 cn happy happy f0rever arhh =)

Then my dad and mum c0me fetch me at leiyee hse lurhh.. t0ny la0g0ng g0 gary d party orhh.. he g0 play d0n't k me ordy.. heh~ makes me s0 b0ring and keep waiting he msg me =( la0g0ng SO NOTHY d orhh.. la0g0ng bully me gehh T.T T.T t0ny la0g0ng wn birthday j0r orhh.. he open a small party at his hse tuu.. we all s0 qi daii g0 his hse xD cs his hse mz s0 big and s0 lenq gehh =)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mem0rable day =)

【My bear bear fr0m t0ny la0g0ng =)】

Yeahh~~ t0day is the last day f0r UEC.. waohhh~ means my 2009 d exam all finish ordy... ohyeahh ohyeahh.. hekhek xD i jz h0pe my UEC d all exam cn pass only.. heh~ cs s0 hard.. jz h0pe malay n chi cn get A.. wahaha =D

Today t0ny la0g0ng 10:30 lik that at canteen wait me finish exam =) 11 m0re i d0 finish then fast fast g0 d0wn canteen 5 my la0g0ng~ l0ng time din c he T.T wala0~ c da0 la0g0ng i direct happy orhh xD my la0g0ng t0day brg a piece cheese cake and a bear bear t0 me tuu.. LAOGONG I LOVE YOU =) aft tht i g0 chg shirt then we g0 cp watch m0vie lurhh.. aft m0vie we g0 mam mam at w0ng k0k then g0 jackqueline hse xD

At jackqueline hse BBQ n play many thg.. we g0 playgr0und play tiamm.. play tht slide s0 funny orhh.. s0 sy0k~ cs s0 l0ng xD but.. s0 cham~ when t0ny la0g0ng and i g0 out playgr0und thr play.. thy thk we bck hum j0r.. s0 jackqueline and leiyee them 4l0w h0w cek g0 out j0r.. heh~ thn wei yang thm g0 bck j0r als0.. left t0ny and i only.. wala0~ we 2 als0 dn n0e wnna h0w bck j0r.. cs i nid wait my dad til 12 m0re baru g0 jackqueline hse fetch me orhh.. manatahu they g0 out j0r =(

At the last.. t0ny la0g0ng and i WALK TO DAMAI FROM JACKQUELINE HOUSE g0ng.. wala0~ s0 far tuu >< when walk da0 outside jackqueline hse, t0ny la0g0ng g0 7-11 buys drinks and biscuit f0r me tuu.. he scare me walk da0 half will thirsty and hungry.. hehe =) then when wn arive f0h shang thr.. me really s0 tired ordy.. then he keep wn carry me orhh.. then i let he carry me awhile.. cs i bu ren xin c he s0 tired ordy still wn carry me.. he hlp me take my beg a wh0le day.. my beg s0 heavy tuu.. when he carry me, he take my beg and take the water and biscuit lagii tuu.. i hlp he take the bear bear lurhh.. hmm~ la0g0ng.. i...... T.T just s0 happy t0day with la0g0ng =)

When arive damai.. we g0 burger king then order sumthg only.. cs we just wn the airc0nd xD wala0~ t0ny la0g0ng d mum n dad cum fetch us tuu.. thy fetch me bck hum orhh.. me at car s0 scare orhh.. heh~ 1st time lik tht =) aft i arive hum.. la0g0ng tell me her mum like me warhh.. luckily orhh.. fiuhhh~ xD

Tml c0ntinue playing xD wao0hh~~~ finish exam is like that d l0rhh.. wahahaha xD t0day i really s0 happy.. TONY LAOGONG I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER TILL UNLIMITED CENTURY =) muacksss~~!!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Haiz T.T

这几天.. 我真好想你.. 你有听见我的思念吗? 想你想到哭了.. T.T T.T T.T T.T 今天又发生事了这件事,让我更想哭了.. 可是我很高兴因为你懂我的感受,刚才你说你知道我现在是什么感受.. 果然,你真的知道.. 那你可以不要让我再有那个感受吗? 真的好难受 T.T T.T T.T

唉~ 我的第六感真准.. 为什么要那么准呢? 能不要每次都让我的感觉变成真实的吗? 我好怕有一天我会感觉到不该感觉到的东西.. 如果真的发生了,我该怎么办? T.T 多希望我的感觉不是一定的.. 可是,好像每次都对了.. 所以我只好希望我能不要感觉到我不想发生的事.. 真的好不想 T.T~

老公,是我太在乎还是真的很不对呢? 可能.. 是你从来没有那样对过我,我才会那样伤心的.. 可是,我真的好不甘心.. 为什么你在线了,跟你谈天的是''她'' 而不是我呢? 不应该是我吗? 你知道吗.. 那时我看到你在线很久了,我奇怪为什么你不找我.. 我最后还是找你了,但是.. 你知道你跟我说什么吗? 你叫我等一下,那时我以为你在忙game的东西.. 可是我的感觉告诉我,我错了.. 我也开始担心了..

果然,你不是在忙game的东西.. 我的感觉又对了,为什么你要这样? 你知道我很担心吗? 你知道我等了很久吗? 你知道我的心很痛吗? 你知道我很伤心吗? 可能是我把这件事看的太严重了吧.. 可是我真的很很很很伤心.. 为什么又是''她''? ''她''每天都有事要你帮的吗? 将在''她''还没认识你之前,''她''是如何解决这些事的? ''她''不可以自己解决吗? ''她''可以不要好像每天都有东西要你帮,有东西要问你吗? ''她''可以不要从我这里把你借过去吗? 我没答应要借给''她''.. 你是不能借的,永远都只属于我一个人,我永远都不会把你借给任何人,何况是''她''? 但你为什么会忍心让我等你而你在跟''她''chat呢?

老公你知道吗? 你从来不会像刚才那样而不理我.. 今天,你第一次玩完game不告诉我和陪你聊天chatting的人不是我.. 为什么你不找我? 为什么我找你,你叫我等一下? 为什么不是''她''等呢? 到底谁比较重要? 我第一次看见你这样 T.T T.T T.T T.T T.T T.T T.T 你懂我的心情是怎样的吗? T.T T.T T.T 老公~ 别再这样了,我会很伤心的 T.T T.T T.T T.T T.T 你记得你答应我什么吗? 你说你不会和别人sms,讲电话,chatting.. 你都忘了吗? 就算是他们先找你,你也可以和我chat吧? 为什么要我等? 而''她''可以跟你chat呢? 当时的你还记得我在等吗? T.T T.T T.T T.T T.T

我知道也许这是你是无心的,但.. 我真的忍不到,我不能接受你不理我而跟别人聊天.. 是我太自私了吗? 如果是,那我宁愿我是.. 因为我不要你不理我,我不要你和别人聊天但却冷了我,我不要别人把你抢走,我不要别人霸着你而我找不到你,我不要~ 我不要~ 我不要~ T.T T.T~ ''她'' 可以不要再这样了吗? ''她''知道你是我的吗? 如果知道就别差不多每天都找你,我也有感觉的.. 我不是冷血的 T.T T.T T.T 我是真的吃醋了,生气了,更是伤心了~ 好希望你不认识''她''

Friday, October 23, 2009

1st day f0r UEC..

Today is the 1st day f0r UEC.. wala0~ s0 h0ck orhh me.. heh~ I 4get brg ic g0ng == make me s0 jing zang.. ha0 caii leiyee ask me gt brg ic m0u orhh.. if nt i really cham j0r.. thn me quickly call my mum t0ld my dad when he bck hum faster brg my ic cum 2 scul.. cs my dad din brg phn g0 out in the m0rning.. luckily cn rush da0 orhh.. if nt i mz die~ heh..

Wala0~ 2day tht science SO HARD tuu.. alm0st all i tem in abc n paper jiu aga aga only.. haiz~ cham l0rhh cham l0rhh.. h0pe cn pass jiu okay l0rhh.. aiy0o~ faster finish UEC arhh.. s0 tired f0r exam ordy.. hate exam >< aft UEC i can fly ordy.. wa0hh~~ think da0 als0 happy orhh xD

Tony la0g0ng.. t0day i really s0 miss u.. i miss u until CRY ordy T.T T.T la0g0ng orhh.. I REALLY REALLY REALLY SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MISS YOU!!!!! T.T T.T T.T~~ i nid t0 ren many days lagii tuu T.T tuesday la0g0ng baru cum 5 me at scul.. stil gt many days orhh T.T hw i wn ren orhh =( T.T T.T T.T T.T T.T T.T la0g0ng orhh.. I REALLY SO LOVE AND SO MISS YOU T.T~ will la0g0ng als0 miss me lik me? i dn n0e hw t0 explain the feeling i miss u T.T

♥ 我看见你的瞳孔
♥ 看见的那片天空
♥ 你指尖尽头
♥ 架构属於我的梦
♥ 那是清澈的星河
♥ 那是橘色的云朵
♥ 遥远的天国
♥ 建筑这一道彩虹
♥ 你把我眼底的寂寞
♥ 彩绘成缤纷的宇宙
♥ 跟在你身后
♥ 带我静静遨游
♥ 请不要放开我的双手
♥ 不要缺席我的以后
♥ 请留给我永不消失的那一道彩虹
♥ 已经习惯你的双手
♥ 牵着我的那种温柔
♥ 只有你懂我会流泪是因为最深处的感动

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

♥哭过就好了 (梁文音)

♥ 不喜欢怀疑什麽
♥ 并不表示我没有感受
♥ 看你微妙的变化
♥ 慢慢不同
♥ 我不是生气只是心痛
♥ 最讨厌被误会了
♥ 但越解释越觉得难过
♥ 你可以说人会变
♥ 但不能说你会这麽做是我的错
♥ 哭过就好了
♥ 伤都会好的
♥ 这样相信所以深呼吸著割舍
♥ 爱是为了拥抱为了牵手
♥ 不是为了争吵为了调头
♥ 哭过就好了
♥ 痛都会走的
♥ 记忆有限所以它会淘汰坏的
♥ 失眠听歌想念虽然苦涩
♥ 还是谢谢你让我长大了
♥ 越多美好堆叠的过往
♥ 想忘就得推倒更大的悲伤
♥ 要找勇气却不在口袋或手上
♥ 但它一定在我身上某个地方

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Special day ^^

Yeahh~ l0ng time din c da0 my pretty jie j0r xD t0day she c0me bck fr0m j0hor thr wif jie fu.. hehe =) my jie als0 jiang pretty xD jz cut j0r hair.. t0ny la0g0ng says she l0ok lik 26 and s0 lala warhh.. heh~ she really l0ok s0 y0ung larhh.. l0ls~

They wif my dad cum fetch me when i finish scul.. hehe.. then we g0 maple cafe eating lurhh.. then t0ny la0g0ng te di g0 damai thr find me g0ng.. then i g0 out n find he talk talk awhile lurhh.. hehe =) t0ny la0g0ng, i l0ve y0u~ muackss =P

Aft eating we g0 bck hum then when ar0und 4 my dad g0 fetch my mum then cum bck fetch my sis, jie fu n i g0 bukid padang thr yam cha.. cs my sis wn eat thr d s0t0ng warhh xD aft we g0 lid0 fetch my br0 then g0 karamunsing.. manatahu.. when arive karamunsing 'bump'~ n0 current g0ng!! heh~ then we all g0 sunny supermarket buy thg lurhh.. aft that we g0 warisan n cp hang gaii =)

When ar0und 8, we g0 eat my fav0urite f0od.. japanese f0od~ yeahh ^^ we g0 lintas d wagamama having our dinner lurhh.. but me n0 wei k0u eat that time.. cs t0ny la0g0ng suddenly n0 repy my msg j0r T.T i wait he repy me l0ng time orhh.. makes me s0 w0rry he.. i wait s0o0o0o0o l0ng.. i keep msg he n cal he.. but he din reply n din ans my phn.. really makes me s0 w0rry =(

Then at nite we eat fruits at hum.. wala0~ many fruits g0ng.. gt langsat, durian and da lap.. hehe =) tht durian nt nice gehh.. the taste s0 qi guaii.. the durian d c0l0ur s0 qi guaii als0.. lo0k like jia gehh.. i eat lia0 1 thn dn wn j0r.. heh~ that da lap s0 sweet orhh xD

Today als0 a special day f0r me =) t0ny la0g0ng n i c0uple 4 m0nths j0r.. i l0ve y0u f0rever n ever la0g0ng.. muackss!! hehe =) la0g0ng arhh la0g0ng.. dn bu xia0 xin delete my that msg again arhh.. i jz nw d0 j0r 1 m0re t0 la0g0ng.. dang zu0 is 4 m0nths gehh present arhh =) la0g0ng dn bu xia0 xin delete it again arhh.. cs i will really s0 sam t0ng gehh.. like jz nw i reli s0 sam t0ng and la0g0ng suddenly din reply me lagii.. heh~ really s0 hak da0 me lerhh T.T when ar0und 10.. FINALLY~ la0g0ng called me j0r T.T luckily jz is la0g0ng bu xia0 xin slp j0r and that msg is la0g0ng bu xia0 xin delete j0r gehh.. la0g0ng really makes me s0 w0rry T.T

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Great day xD

Today h0liday g0ng.. nt nid g0 2 scul nerhh =D wake up ar0und 8 in the m0rning.. hehe~ bcs ready wn g0 out wif t0ny la0g0ng, leiyee, celine, jackqueline n vuiyen.. haha..

Arive warisan thr whn 10 m0re lik tht.. hmm~ thn t0ny la0g0ng cum find me n celine thn 2gether g0 sushi king mam mam.. wahaha =) my la0g0ng spend me eat t0day xD i eat mee n a plate of salm0n.. yummy~~

Aft tht leiyee arive j0r lurhh.. she meet us at sushi king thr =) aft pay the bill, we g0 walk walk at warisan cs leiyee nid buy present t0 her fren warhh.. haha~ aft buy the present.. we g0 yugurt berry yam cha xD hv al0t of funny thg happen at thr.. heh~ reli s0 funny!! xD suddenly gt a pers0n t0uch me.. is AANN!! waohh~ l0ng time din c she.. haha =) als0 same.. still s0po s0po xD she wif aiting n safwann n her 1 fren..

ar0und 2 we g0 sing k lurhh.. haha xD l0ng time din sing j0r.. waohh~ NICE xD we hv al0t of fun at thr t0o.. haha xD we sing til 5:30 lik tht.. thn leiyee n jackqueline bck hum j0r.. thn celine n i wait my dad cum fetch us, t0ny puii me g0 warisan thr j0r thn he g0 bck hum by taxi =)

Leiyee cal me g0 karabrunei tuu.. hmm~ bt sum of her fren i nt s0 n0e d tuu.. heh~ if t0ny g0 me jiu g0 xD s0... c t0ny la0g0ng g0 m0u lurhh~ wahahaha xD

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

1st day aft PMR =)

Waohh~ FINALLY!! im finish my "WAR" xD haha.. PMR sayonara~ wahaha.. n0w waiting the result lurhh.. haiz~ s0 scare.. scare cnt hit my target =( n0w i gt 85% feel i cnt hit my target tuu.. cham cham T.T

Ngam ngam finish PMR WAR.. UEC WAR is c0ming again.. aduii~ y s0 cham d orhh T.T when cn finish it arhhhhhhhh~~~~ Better faster UEC orhh.. all exam make me really s0 stress ordy.. After UEC IM FREE!!!! wahaha =) hmm.. but still gt a little bit scare of UEC tuu.. haiz~ at least UEC dn hv i m0st weak d subject j0r.. hmm~ but the math s0 hard gehh T.T h0w h0w h0w~~~

Fr0m today on everyday als0 1:10 finish scul j0r lurhh.. ecp sat is 12:30 larhh =) t0day aft scul g- damai wif t0ny la0g0ng n l0p0.. we g0 eat at ba0 jian tang.. t0ny la0g0ng buy a y0yo 2 me tim.. hehe =) aft tht we g0 cyber.. c them play d0ta.. wala0~ s0 funny d barhh xD

Then ar0und 4 l0po g0 bck his sh0p thr.. thn t0ny puii me bck hum by taxi.. tht time rain s0 big tuu.. hmm~ when we wait the taxi at damai thr.. the rainwater keep n0ng da0 me.. heh~ my t0ny la0g0ng direct stand in fr0nt of me, help me bl0ck the rainwater~ i l0ve tht time s0 muchh.. thx t0ny la0g0ng =) muackss~ aft me arive hum he jiu g0 bck damai t0 wait his mum fetch he at thr lurhh..

La0g0ng.. i will rmb wat i hv say t0day.. la0g0ng als0 dn thk t0o much ordy~ rmb wat i hv say.. '过去' 是改变不了的,不发生都已经发生了,那为何还要去想无法再改变的事呢? 但'现在',我们还能尽力让它别再发生,不再重犯同样的错.. 而'未来',虽然我们不能预测,但至少我们能尽量让它完美,不再有任何错误... la0g0ng n0w really l0ve me and d0n't hurt me again f0rever then can lia0.. dn thk b4 j0r~ ordy past, jz let it past =) 我们经历了那么多,现在是我们该把所经历的当成经验,那时候的伤害我不会再去刻意记起来,因为我知道重要的是现在.. 所以老公别再犯错了哦~ hmm..

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

PMR want finish ordy =)

Wala0~ t0day PMR d math s0o0o0o easy g0ng.. i 1st time d0 math till n0 blur blur orhh.. wahaha xD sum of the ques i dn n0e hw t0 d0 larhh.. but all still okay~ wahahaha xD yeahh~~

Today d recess s0 l0ng g0ng.. 11:55 til 2:00 orhh.. 11:20 lik tht me als0 d0 finish n cum out ordy tuu =) s0 me, t0ny la0g0ng, leiyee n jackqueline g0 warisan eating tuu.. hahaha xD we eat y0gurt berry~ l0ng time din eat ordy.. wa0hh~ nice =) thn we g0 walk walk lurhh.. when at cp, we saw ah kit n wei yang thm.. haha~ thy r buying cl0th.. l0ls~ really lik g0 sh0pping ==

We g0 bck scul by taxi at 1:15 lik tht.. hmm~ arive scul nth cn d0 gehh.. cs ltr is sej~ me h0w read als0 dn n0e hw t0 d0 gehh.. heh~ s0 din hv read xD when exam sej, waohh~ n0 qny1 ques is me n0e hw t0 d0 gehh >< originally i wn take ans fr0m ah tai d.. but he als0 dn n0e hw 2 d0 == suan lia0 larhh.. all tembak~ c me t0day lucky m0u lurhh.. hmm~

Tml is KH n Chi.. KH h0pe dn s0 hard larhh.. if nt i really dn n0e wnna hw t0 d0 it tuu.. heh~ Chi i thk okay d larhh xD my favaurite subject g0ng =)

♥ l0ves la0g0ng~
♥ muackss =)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Haiz =(

Wala0~ 2day s0 early cn back h0me ordy xD 9:25 finish exam g0ng.. wahaha =D i 9:10 jiu c0me out fr0m the class j0r lurhh.. hehe~ t0day is GEO.. OMG~ nt really n0e hw t0 d0 tuu.. cham l0rhh cham l0rhh =( s0 scare~

Aft exam then g0 leiyee hse xD her mum fetch us n vin yan g0 man taii eating.. aft awhile celine c0me man taii meet us =) when we eating at thr, we keep talking ab0ut 'MENIRU' d skill.. wala0~ s0 funny.. we keep laugh~ wahahahahaha xD

At leiyee hse stay till 4 m0re lik tht then my parents c0me fetch me lurhh =) when at leiyee hse, she teach me math g0ng.. haha~ aga aga n0e hw t0 d0 gua ^^''' hmm~ dn n0e tml at h0me wanna d0 wat lerhh.. heh~ sienz ==

I feel t0day s0 h0ck.. haiz~
[1st] GEO nt really n0e hw t0 d0
[2rd] suddenly gv sc0lding by my mum =(
[3rd] my streamyx line keep DC DC ><
[4th] g0od intenti0n say but gv says bck T.T
[5th] Sick(fever) mayb many days nt enuf slp bcs of STUDYING =(

Haiz T.T why why why why why why why? T.T my feel s0 S0UR AND BITTER =( my feel just like -\/\/-
♥ 那天我扬起帆
♥ 想看看未知的海
♥ 心里很多话想说说不出来
♥ 虽然我脸上看不出来
♥ 天空一样蔚蓝
♥ 却换了多少云彩
♥ 那时的你让我幸福百分百
♥ 是否为我等待
♥ 我知道我的愛
♥ 一直都会存在
♥ 没有你,泪停不下来
♥ 你知道我依赖多不想say go0d bye
♥ 我痛说不出来
♥ 我知道我的愛
♥ 一直都会存在
♥ 没有你,快乐都停摆
♥ 某一天我期待和你笑的灿烂

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

1st day f0r PMR~

Today wake up early cs wn STUDYING~~ when i wake up thn i call t0ny la0g0ng lurhh.. cs he ystd nite ask me rmb cal he when im wake xD wala0~ rain heavily in the m0rning.. s0 c0ld =(

Woahh~ makes the scul thr SESAK only.. heh~ FLOOD lagii tim xD i dn n0e tht w0men wn walk near l0ngkang thr d tht r0ad.. thr ordy full of water, cnt c the r0ad ordy.. she still wn walk thr, reli gv me guess c0rrect.. she reli fall d0wn.. bcs thr a small l0ngkang d.. but bcs full water s0 cnt saw it ==

Hmm~ when arive scul thn g0 up 5th flo0r.. thn i saw leiyee, s0 we 2gether g0 canteen eat breakfast lurhh =) me t0day gt brg stati0nary in a pencil case t0 t0ny la0g0ng tuu.. s0 whn i eat breakfast i da ba0 1 m0re t0 him =) scare he eat bu da0 breakfast cs he will late cum scul t0day.. hmm~ t0day exam malay.. ABC gt abit hard larhh.. but still okay.. thn karangan i feel m0re easy xD my karangan write 300+ w0rds.. wala0~ hahaha xP


Monday, October 5, 2009

Wat day? ==

Dn n0e y this few days always gv teacher sc0ld.. haiz~ THEY always say if beside u d dn n0e hw t0 d0 thn teach thm.. manatahu.. HEH!! LIE ONLY.. makes me gv sc0ld only.. =(

OMG~ wn PMR ordy.. i s0 scare.. i scare i cnt hit my target T.T h0w h0w h0w h0w???~~ haiz.. h0pe i really cn.. i really will try my best.. if really din hv hit my target, i dn n0e i will h0w.. Zzz == n tht UEC lagii.. heh~ m0re cham.. m0re hard.. aiy0o~ SO STRESS ARGHHH~~~~ ><

Hmm.. what can i say? T.T jz lik........
♥ 一个人眺望碧海和蓝天
♥ 在心里面那抹灰就淡一些
♥ 海豚从眼前飞越
♥ 我看见了最阳光的笑脸
♥ 好时光都该被宝贝因为有限
♥ 我学着不去担心得太远
♥ 不计划太多反而能勇敢冒险
♥ 丰富地过每一天
♥ 快乐地看每一天
♥ 第一次遇见阴天遮住你侧脸
♥ 有什么故事好想了解
♥ 我感觉我懂你的特别
♥ 你的心有一道墙
♥ 但我发现一扇窗
♥ 偶尔透出一丝暖暖的微光
♥ 就算你有一道墙
♥ 我的爱会攀上窗台盛放
♥ 打开窗你会看到悲伤融化
♥ 你会闻到幸福晴朗的芬芳

♥ l0ves la0g0ng, t0ny
♥ 3m0nths and 15days
♥ muackss

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mo0ncake Festival~

Haiz.. cry fr0m recess till after scul orhh.. OMG~ ha0 caii when recess gt t0ny la0g0ng, lei yee n jackqueline an weii me orhh.. hmm~ thx u all =) i will cry, bcs I SCARE AND I DON'T LIKE T.T if i really wnna leave here j0r.. bt 'she' stil lik tht find u, n everyday u will c da0 'she'.. Will u........... haiz~ thts y im s0 scare.. i will cry, bcs happen saumthg b4 makes me s0 HATE 'she'.. bt 'she' wif u sms T.T i reli s0 sad, s0 scare T.T

Thx t0ny la0g0ng puii me n an weii me when aft scul.. thx la0g0ng d sh0ulder~ s0rry make la0g0ng d shirt n tr0user wet j0r xD hmm.. la0g0ng t0day pr0mise me d thing dn 4get orhh.. tht all pr0mise i reli s0 h0pe la0g0ng cn d0 da0 gehh.. I LOVE YOU TONY CHONG TONG HONG~ muackss =)

Tonight my family n i having dinner at my aunt hse.. waohh~ many dishes.. g0t vege, lamb, fish, s0up, pai kut w0ng n m0re xD all s0 delic0us.. make me eat da0 s0 full orhh.. haha~ thn at nite talk ph0ne wif t0ny lurhh.. hehe =)

♥ l0ves la0g0ng
♥ 3m0nths and 13days
♥ muackss =)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Nth special xD

Wahh~ t0day my 2 eyes als0 swollen tuu.. mz is ystd cry t0o l0ng.. hmm~ and t0day chi teacher gv bck us our chi zu0 wen exam paper.. hehe ^^ teacher praise me g0ng.. wahaha xD say my zu0 wen nice.. waohhh~ n my exam paper thr she write 佳作 g0ng.. wahahahaha =D thx chen yi yi teacher xD

At nite went t0 eat wif my parents n my grandma.. i dn n0e wat the sh0p name.. bt the f0od is nt delici0us gehh.. s0 yucky orhh.. ESPECIALLY the s0up! wala0.. im the 1st g0 drink the s0up.. manatahu.. TASTELESS gehh.. i thk the chef 4get put salt th0se.. heh~ my dad thm als0 said tasteless tuu =( but.. i eat lia0 a SPECIAL f0od.. i feel special larhh.. cs i nvr eat b4 xD CHICKEN WING WITHOUT BONE AND INSIDE GOT HOT DOG gehh =D s0 nice larhh tis.. hehe =)

And t0night my fruit is DURIAN~~ waohh.. s0 nice xD s0 sweet~ yummy =P thn ar0und 10 t0ny cal me.. thn we talk talk lurhh.. hehe~ dn n0e y suddenly n0 j0r.. mayb is his phn n0 cre j0r or n0 batery gua.. I cal bck he but his ph0ne din open.. hmm~ jz n0w talk talk wif he, me cry again.. bt nt s0 l0ng.. h0pe tml my eyes w0nt swollen =) Tony la0g0ng, i say gu0 d thg i'll d0 it.. la0g0ng als0 wn do it d orhh.. dn lie me orhh =)

♥ l0ves la0g0ng, t0ny~
♥ 3m0nths and 12days
♥ muackss =)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sad day =(

Dn n0e y this few days always gv teacher sc0ld gehh.. heh~ i din talk als0 gv sc0ld.. an0ther ppl at thr talk until the class wn ''LEM'' ordy the teacher dn sc0ld.. hate this few days when at scul.. always gv sc0ld gehh.. when examing als0 gv sc0ld lagii tim ==

Haiz~ t0day cry f0r ab0ut 5 h0urs.. if gt anythg cn change THIS THING, i mz d0 it.. but.. nth cn i d0 als0 =( WHY WHY WHY?!!! why is me?!!! I DON'T WANT!!!!! >< im really s0 s0rry, this all nt i h0pe d.. im s0rry~ I REALLY SO LOVE YOU T.T!! I DON'T WANT LEAVE =(

I w0nt 4get t0day i pr0mise t0ny la0g0ng d thg.. i will l0ve la0g0ng f0rever n ever~ alth0ugh i n0 at here, i als0 will f0rever l0ve n miss la0g0ng 1 only gehh.. muackss!! la0g0ng als0 dn 4get pr0mise me d thg arhh.. i dn n0e wn h0w, la0g0ng baru can believe me i w0nt leave la0g0ng's heart gehh.. time will pr0ve anythg.. i n0e la0g0ng s0 w0rry ab0ut me at thr, but.. pls~ believe me.. im nt tht types of ppl.. i w0nt gehh.. PLEASE BELIEVE ME T.T

♥If i had t0 live my life with0ut u near me, the days w0uld all be empty, the nights would seem s0 l0ng.. u i see f0rever s0 clearly, i might have been in love bef0re.. But i've never felt this str0ng.. Our dreams are y0ung and we b0th kn0w, thy take us where we want t0 g0.. h0ld me n0w t0uch me n0w, i d0n't want t0 live with0ut u.. n0thing's gonna change my l0ve f0r u.. u oughta kn0w by n0w h0w much i l0ve u, one thing u can be sure of.. I never ask f0r m0re than ur l0ve.. If the r0ad ahead is n0t s0 easy, our l0ve will lead the way f0r us.. like a guiding star, i'll be there f0r u if u sh0uld need me.. u d0n't have t0 change a thing, i l0ve u just the way u are.. s0 c0me with me and share the view, I help u see forever t0o~

♥ l0ves la0g0ng, t0ny~
♥ 3m0nths n 11days
♥ muackss =)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Just a day..

Wala0~ t0day at scul s0o0o0o0o sleepy == dn n0e y.. Zzz~ my eyes keep wn cl0se d0wn ordy.. heh~ I REALLY SO HATE MATH ordy!! i s0 hard gt tht marks.. manatahu.. gv deduct my marks until ??? me als0 bu xiang say lia0 T.T!! When malay peri0d teacher call me hlp she c0rrect the ans sheet, cs gt 9 ques nid change ans.. hmm~ i plus 4 marks at thr xD bt.. hear da0 teacher says sumthg tht is nt gud f0r me.. haiz~ WHY??!!! ><

Today bck hum at 4pm.. arive hum nth cn d0.. s0 opn c0mp t0 play FB d game (restaurant city) dn n0e y.. i keep l0g in bt cnt == until me nyet saii cl0se all the line n c0mp.. thn try opn agian.. heh~ still cnt.. aft 30 minutes, FINALLY!!! i cn opn my restaurant city lia0.. wahaha xD

Thn whn ar0und 7, gt a pers0n send my mum order d JELLY MOONCAKE t0 my hse ordy.. 2 b0x g0ng.. waohh~ SO DELICIOUSSS =P.. Ar0und 9 m0re, t0ny call me lurhh.. hehe ^^ thn we talk talk.. we talk until 11:03 =) Dn 4get wat we say t0day yarhh..*THEY ARE THEY, THEY NOT US, SO.. WE'R NOT SAME~ dn b afraid.. if n0t i'll be afraid gehh.. hmm~

Wahh~~ suddenly rain heavily orhh.. hmm~ nice t0 slp.. bt.. th0se st0rm s0 l0ud n scary tuu.. n wind s0 big, gt s0und lagii d timm~ makes me s0 scare T.T tht st0rm mcm wn make my hse ''LEM'' ordy.. ha0 cai my hse gt 霹雷针.. xD

♥ l0ves la0g0ng, t0ny~
♥ muackss~

Monday, September 28, 2009

A day wif many mo0d ==

C~~ t0ny makes my hand injured.. gt blo0d lagii tim.. heh~~ t0ny s0 yaii yaii.. wn punish he j0r xD

Yeahh~ t0day is the last day f0r m0ck exam xD bt nex wed PMR j0r.. cham l0rhh cham l0rhh T.T

When arrive h0me, ricky g0r tell me his gud news g0ng.. finally he sucess t0uching the girl's heart.. haha^^ hear ricky says, the girl l0ve he s0 much tuu.. hmm~ ricky als0 s0 l0ve her g0ng =) ricky says he will bcs of tht girl w0nt XXXXX-ing j0r tuu.. wuuu~ tis really a gud news lerhh =) g0ng xi thy 2.. h0pe thy wil l0ve f0rever xD

For me, haiz.. cham~ i jz say lia0 1 sentence : wahh.. s0 cham orhh he.. t0ny jiu nyet saii me j0r T.T bt.. haiz~ thn me als0 dn n0e cn say wat ordy.. s0 i jz pls he dn nyet n dn lik tht lurhh.. hmm~ cry until my eyes............

Finally at nite u say t0 me at msn :

hmm la0 p0~
sorry just n0w i like that..
very sorry make la0 p0 eye like that..
i never leave u dehx..
dun be afraid and i will beside with u forever..
maybe just n0w i too sensitive liao..
la0 p0 just say 1 sentances then i like that...
very sorry...
i promiz la0 p0 everything i will chg..
la0 g0ng forever also just u 1 la0 p0 ..
i promiz la0 p0 everything i will do it...
our ♥ w0nt end..
till unlimited century^^
i ♥ u la0 p0~
my heart always will be with u..
la0 p0 n0 nid use tears too make me happy back agn...
i will dun let la0 p0 use lei anymore..
coz jiu suan it is so difficult...
i also yuan yi pei la0 p0 zuo dao jiu hou..
yin wei wo ai ni..
dun cry and dun sad...
we must happy t0 mian dui everynew days...
our ♥ just like unbreak wall..
like sky..
forever also w0nt gone..
coz i never let it gone in my eye..
la0 p0 i will forever keep u in my heart..
from ytd i am trying change ald..
la0 p0...
i will forever chg t0 la0 p0 wan me do gehx thing..
i ♥ u...
la0 p0 sl0w sl0w see what me write..
bcz i very s0 ♥ u..
i study n0t so many..
s0 many words i wan talk with u..
but i dun knw wan h0w write..
maybe talk i can..
la0 p0 at where my ♥ forever also will 4low
dun care it h0w diffult,far and hard....i yuan yi cheng dan all thing...
me still g0t many thing wan say...
but i cant say all..
coz i still wan use my time prove i ♥ u..
la0 p0 must happy in everydays ya..
promiz this...
promiz me ya..
with me together must happy in every days...
la0 p0 man man see...
all i keep use back words...
bcz i study too les...
hope i write all la0 p0 will unterstand and dun sad and cary will be happy back^^
when june20 that day i ald tell la0 p0
i just will ♥ la0 p0 1only..
and thx la0 p0 always i nid u,u will beside me..
i w0nt go away from u mind la0 p0~^^
la0 p0 must wan wait me growth liao then g0 marry with u ya...

Original im SO HAPPY, really SO HAPPY, i thk all is true.. bt n0w all i n0e.. i really n0e T.T dn n0e when tht all will bec0me the true 1.. says fr0m the heart 1.. will i have tht day? i dn n0e T.T Jz n0w talk ph0ne wif he.. my heart real PING PLANG~! breaking, bleeding.. i w0nt slp wh0le nite i thk.. haiz~ I 1st time lik tht T.T my heart keep bleeding, my tears n0n-st0ping.. s0 ache~ really damn ache T.T I n0e.. everythg i n0e.. I jz dn n0e wnna hw 2 explain.. really s0 hurt me.. wat sh0uld i d0 again? I will thk an0ther way again.. if gt way again T.T hmm~ h0pe tml will be all right.. i h0pe s0 =(

♥if i had t0 live my life with0ut u near me
♥the days w0uld all be empty
♥the nights would seem s0 l0ng
♥u i see f0rever s0 clearly
♥i might have been in love bef0re
♥but i've never felt this str0ng
♥our dreams are y0ung and we b0th kn0w
♥thy take us where we want t0 g0
♥h0ld me n0w t0uch me n0w
♥i d0n't want t0 live with0ut u
♥n0thing's gonna change my l0ve f0r u
♥you g0nna kn0w by n0w h0w much i l0ve u
♥one thing u can be sure of
♥i never ask f0r m0re than ur l0ve
♥if the r0ad ahead is n0t s0 easy
♥our l0ve will lead the way f0r us
♥like a guiding star
♥i'll be there f0r u if u sh0uld need me
♥u d0n't have t0 change a thing
♥i l0ve u just the way u are
♥s0 c0me with me and share the view
♥I help u see forever t0o

Friday, September 25, 2009

Painful + Lucky day~

Wao0hh~ t0day early in the m0rning start st0mach ache lia0 =( cham~ 4am orhh T.T make me din hv slp well wh0le nite.. haiz~ until n0w als0 pain.. cham orhh T.T dn n0e wat happen.. heh~

Today exam hist s0 funny xD all pe0ple thk wn hw t0u za0.. thn I scare i mem0rise d din out thn me als0 c0py 2 at a small small paper xD bt.. i din t0u za0 da0.. cs exam out d all i hv mem0rise xD gt 10 i jz mem0rise 3 tuu.. really gt out tht 3~ 5 ques ch0ose 3 ques ans.. wahahaha~ t0o lucky lia0 me 2day =)

My dad t0day 4get fetch me frm scul g0ng.. heh~ bt.. thts is gud larhh.. cs i cn c n puii m0re awhile t0ny~ hek hek xP

♥ l0ves la0g0ng, t0ny~
♥ muackss~

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Why will like tht ?

Haiz~ wat happen t0day? Aft finish scul, my heart keep feel gt sumthg will happen n s0 "PAIN"~ cham T.T.. really gt sumthg will happen? OMG~ h0pe dn =(

Whn im talking ph0ne wif t0ny, my tears keep c0me out fr0m my eyes.. I cnt st0p it T.T really feel s0 SAM TONG orhh.. wat happen orhh? T.T~

Hope everythg will be all right.. haiz~

♥ l0ves la0g0ng~
♥ muackss =)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Today wake up s0 early.. nt reli gud in the m0rning T.T bt unless aftno0n anythg is okay larhh.. Hmm~

After eating wif my parents, we g0 cp.. c da0 a lapt0p okay als0 tuu.. dn n0e whn my dad baru buy a new lapt0p 4 me lerhh? I lik the s0ny 1.. waohh~ lenq orhh tht xD bt if buy an0ther als0 okay d.. imp0rtant is the lapt0p gud m0u =)

Tml exam uec chi n pmr math orhh.. dn n0e tht uec chi i wn hw 2 d0 lerhh.. scare s0 hard =( h0pe dn s0 hard arhhh~~ pmr math mayb okay larhh.. wahaha xP

Wohh~ suddenly rain heavily.. Hmm~~ Actually gt many thg wnna say.. bt... I reli dn n0e wn hw t0 explain.. haiz~ nvm larhh.. let it b in my heart n let myself understand only larhh =)

♥ l0ves la0g0ng, t0ny~
♥ muackss~

Monday, September 21, 2009

Have a sweet dream but have a sad day today T.T

Haiz~ 我到底还能怎样? 你才可以不要这样? 是你让我很开心但也是你让我很痛心。你告诉我,我到底要怎样你才能永远当让我开心幸福的你? 我什么方法都试了,但好像什么都行不通 =(

你知道吗? 有时你真的会让我很气,因为你不安慰我,不哄我,我说你哄不到我,不代表是每一次都是哄不到。但我不会生气你,是因为我不想事情越高越大。因为我知道如果我也生气的话,你也不会安慰我,不会哄我。而这时候的你会更没心情,更不想跟我说话了,这也是我最烦恼和担心的一点。我最不想看到的就是这样,既然我知道结果会是这样,为什么我还要生气呢? 所以为什么我每次不管是谁弄谁生气都好,只要你生气,我都会安慰你,哄你。而每次不管是谁弄谁伤心,只要是你伤心,我都会安慰你,哄你。你有发觉吗? 如果调换的话,你会像我一样吗? 我自己也不敢保证.. 我知道你为我付出很多,但我还是希望有一天你会明白我为你付出的这些,要真正付出这些并不是容易做到的,你知道吗? 就算你能做到,到最后你还是会一样伤心生气,不像我,只要我能安慰到你,就算我有多伤心生气,我也会带过了。因为最重要的是你不要生气伤心.. 只要你快乐,我就会快乐了。

你知道只要你的几句话,能控制我的喜怒哀乐吗? 当我伤心生气的时候,你只会说:“你可以不要将吗,你这样弄到我很没心情。”或说一些让我更难啃下的话。而我哭的时候,更惨,你会说:“你每天将哭,你不累的咩? 好过你想清楚你有没有决定错哦。”而你知道你说过的几这句话有多伤我的心吗? 我都不知该怎么形容.. 为什么你不能安慰我,哄我呢? 这个很简单啊,你只要说你平时说的甜言蜜语就行了,很难吗? 我们都经过那么多事了,你还不懂吗? 虽然是这样,但我不会放弃的。因为只有你能给我最想要的幸福和开心,我永远都会爱你一个,张统宏。

今天我发了一个美梦,一个让我好想在梦里永远不醒的梦。你知道吗? 那时候在梦里的你让我真的真的很感动,我感动到流泪了。其实那只是很小的事,但已经足够让我感动到流泪了。在梦里,那是完整的一天,梦到你陪我一整天,这一天你我做了许多很很简单但让我很开心的事,直到晚上,你做了最让我感动的一件事,就在那时候,我感动到流泪了。我醒来以后,我多希望你有一天真的会跟梦里一样的对我。我真的好想实现这个梦,你能吗? 如果我能贪心点,我希望每一天都这样。但就算只有一天,我已经很开心了。


♥ l0ves la0g0ng~
♥ muackss~

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Boring day~

Today wake up ar0und 12.. thn i g0 c my phn, waohh~ gt 6 msg is fr0m t0ny dear~ he is s0o0o0o0 w0rry ab0ut me cs me nvr n0 reply his msg.. Mayb is me tis few days t0o tired j0r s0 t0day slp till late =P

Wh0le aftn0on at hse watch tv, play c0mp n sms wif t0ny only.. My la0g0ng g0 shen shan tuu.. haiz~ sy0k larhh he T.T~ Whn ar0und 7 sumthg, my dad n mum brg me g0 city mall.. thn we hv our dinner at sushi king.. Yeahh~~ my fav0urite f0od ^^V

Tml is h0liday.. dn n0e at hum wnna d0 wat.. cham cham =( bt h0liday b0ring at is BETTER at scul~ wahahaha xD

Today als0 is a special day 4 me larhh.. is t0ny n i c0uple 3 m0nth j0r ^^ hahaha.. i l0ve y0u la0g0ng.. muackss!! hehe =)

I ♥ l0ve y0u, t0ny~

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy day =)

First day play bl0g =) Wao0h~ today tht uec math SO HARD T.T dn n0e i cn get hw many marks on thr only lerhh? cham~ but the pmr math still okay larhh.. jz gt abit i dn n0e hw 2 d0 gehh.. hehe~

Aft scul i g0 cp wif my br0, celine, jing bang n t0ny dear.. Originally we wn watch m0vie gehh.. but the m0vie is t0o late s0 we din hv watch lurhh.. we g0 play i l0ng time din play d DANCE MACHINE n wif t0ny play basketball, i hv my own new sc0re rec0rd 4 my basketball.. 199 tuu xD HAPPY HAPPY~

Thn we g0 sing k g0ng.. haha~ sing lia0 1 h0ur thn g0 play POOL wif t0ny xD he bully me gehh xD n tht time gt abit funny thg happened.. wahahaha~ 5 m0re lik tht my dad cum fetch my br0 n i g0 hyatt eat buffer dinner =) many FOOD n s0 nice t0o~ make me s0 full xD

♥ l0ves n miss t0ny la0g0ng..
♥ muackss =)