Monday, October 5, 2009

Wat day? ==

Dn n0e y this few days always gv teacher sc0ld.. haiz~ THEY always say if beside u d dn n0e hw t0 d0 thn teach thm.. manatahu.. HEH!! LIE ONLY.. makes me gv sc0ld only.. =(

OMG~ wn PMR ordy.. i s0 scare.. i scare i cnt hit my target T.T h0w h0w h0w h0w???~~ haiz.. h0pe i really cn.. i really will try my best.. if really din hv hit my target, i dn n0e i will h0w.. Zzz == n tht UEC lagii.. heh~ m0re cham.. m0re hard.. aiy0o~ SO STRESS ARGHHH~~~~ ><

Hmm.. what can i say? T.T jz lik........
♥ 一个人眺望碧海和蓝天
♥ 在心里面那抹灰就淡一些
♥ 海豚从眼前飞越
♥ 我看见了最阳光的笑脸
♥ 好时光都该被宝贝因为有限
♥ 我学着不去担心得太远
♥ 不计划太多反而能勇敢冒险
♥ 丰富地过每一天
♥ 快乐地看每一天
♥ 第一次遇见阴天遮住你侧脸
♥ 有什么故事好想了解
♥ 我感觉我懂你的特别
♥ 你的心有一道墙
♥ 但我发现一扇窗
♥ 偶尔透出一丝暖暖的微光
♥ 就算你有一道墙
♥ 我的爱会攀上窗台盛放
♥ 打开窗你会看到悲伤融化
♥ 你会闻到幸福晴朗的芬芳

♥ l0ves la0g0ng, t0ny
♥ 3m0nths and 15days
♥ muackss


  1. la0 p0 dun scare arghhh~~~~..la0 g0ng wil pei u dehx....la0 p0 n0 n0 g0t full a i also will an wei la0 p0 cant d0 what...but i will an wei la0 p0 till happy back..COZ I SO LOVE U....I LOVE CHIRSELDA LEE SIAU NI FOREVER AND EVER TILL NEXT CENTURY ALSO LOVING U~...MUACKZZ....GAMBATEH ARHX~~~

  2. en en.. gt la0g0ng supp0rt me, i mz cn gehh~ hmm~ en en ^^ my name is chriselda arhh.. aiy0o~ haha xD I LOVE TONY CHONG TONG HONG FOREVER N EVER~ muackss~
