Tuesday, October 13, 2009

PMR want finish ordy =)

Wala0~ t0day PMR d math s0o0o0o easy g0ng.. i 1st time d0 math till n0 blur blur orhh.. wahaha xD sum of the ques i dn n0e hw t0 d0 larhh.. but all still okay~ wahahaha xD yeahh~~

Today d recess s0 l0ng g0ng.. 11:55 til 2:00 orhh.. 11:20 lik tht me als0 d0 finish n cum out ordy tuu =) s0 me, t0ny la0g0ng, leiyee n jackqueline g0 warisan eating tuu.. hahaha xD we eat y0gurt berry~ l0ng time din eat ordy.. wa0hh~ nice =) thn we g0 walk walk lurhh.. when at cp, we saw ah kit n wei yang thm.. haha~ thy r buying cl0th.. l0ls~ really lik g0 sh0pping ==

We g0 bck scul by taxi at 1:15 lik tht.. hmm~ arive scul nth cn d0 gehh.. cs ltr is sej~ me h0w read als0 dn n0e hw t0 d0 gehh.. heh~ s0 din hv read xD when exam sej, waohh~ n0 qny1 ques is me n0e hw t0 d0 gehh >< originally i wn take ans fr0m ah tai d.. but he als0 dn n0e hw 2 d0 == suan lia0 larhh.. all tembak~ c me t0day lucky m0u lurhh.. hmm~

Tml is KH n Chi.. KH h0pe dn s0 hard larhh.. if nt i really dn n0e wnna hw t0 d0 it tuu.. heh~ Chi i thk okay d larhh xD my favaurite subject g0ng =)

♥ l0ves la0g0ng~
♥ muackss =)


  1. haha xD en l0rhh.. we t0o many time j0r.. dn n0e cn g0 whr then g0 warisan eat n hang gaii lurhh =P
