Saturday, October 31, 2009

A 'syok' day xP

【Tony la0g0ng gv 't0upaii' by leiyee xD】

Today start g0 t0 scul lurhh.. hahaha~ dn n0e g0 scul 4 wat als0.. teacher mz n0 cum our class d larhh.. heh xD real d g0ng.. arive scul jiu start play until finish scul orhh.. t0ny la0g0ng, leiyee, vui yang, ah kit, h0w cek, zeng jun and nels0n cum my class then we play p0ker card.. hahaha~ s0 funny xD when we at class play, that leiyee SO BAD orhh.. keep takes t0ny la0g0ng and me d pic.. heh~

Not yet finish scul we jiu g0 out lia0 tuu =P vui yang call a taxi 4 leiyee and me g0 1b sin orhh.. they all g0 vui yang hse sin baru wait h0w cek fetch them g0 1b.. 2day we watch p0ker king.. leiyee and i g0 buy the ticket and wait them c0me =) we wait them until we s0o0o0o hungry j0r.. then we g0 eat KFC sin lurhh.. aft eating they jiu arive j0r.. we meet at cinema thr ^^

After m0vie we g0 play game and walk walk lurhh.. hahaha xD aft that we g0 having our dinner.. t0ny la0g0ng brg us g0 eat cr0c0dile meat tuu.. wao0hh~ then we gt order the meat ball.. that leiyee keep says that is cr0codile meat.. wahahaha~ s0 funny xD aft finish dinner.. h0w cek fetch celine and i g0 leiyee hse, t0ny la0g0ng and vui yang still at 1b =)

When at leiyee hse, leiyee is sms wif vui yang.. wala0~ s0 funny orhh them xD FINALLY vui yang success chase leiyee g0ng xD leiyee had taken by vui yang lia0 lurhh.. leiyee cnt zat me j0r xD turn me can zat she j0r.. wahahaha xD g0ng xi g0ng xi yarhh.. h0pe u 2 cn happy happy f0rever arhh =)

Then my dad and mum c0me fetch me at leiyee hse lurhh.. t0ny la0g0ng g0 gary d party orhh.. he g0 play d0n't k me ordy.. heh~ makes me s0 b0ring and keep waiting he msg me =( la0g0ng SO NOTHY d orhh.. la0g0ng bully me gehh T.T T.T t0ny la0g0ng wn birthday j0r orhh.. he open a small party at his hse tuu.. we all s0 qi daii g0 his hse xD cs his hse mz s0 big and s0 lenq gehh =)


  1. la0 p0 u s0 nothy arhx...heh~put my pitcure lagi...Hehx~~~I LOVE CHRISELDA LEE SIAU NI FOREVER AND EVER TILL UNLIMITED CENTURY~

  2. hekhek xD la0g0ng s0 lenq zaii marhh =) muackss~ I LOVE TONY CHONG TONG HONG FOREVER AND EVER TILL UNLIMITED CENTURY~
