Wednesday, October 14, 2009

1st day aft PMR =)

Waohh~ FINALLY!! im finish my "WAR" xD haha.. PMR sayonara~ wahaha.. n0w waiting the result lurhh.. haiz~ s0 scare.. scare cnt hit my target =( n0w i gt 85% feel i cnt hit my target tuu.. cham cham T.T

Ngam ngam finish PMR WAR.. UEC WAR is c0ming again.. aduii~ y s0 cham d orhh T.T when cn finish it arhhhhhhhh~~~~ Better faster UEC orhh.. all exam make me really s0 stress ordy.. After UEC IM FREE!!!! wahaha =) hmm.. but still gt a little bit scare of UEC tuu.. haiz~ at least UEC dn hv i m0st weak d subject j0r.. hmm~ but the math s0 hard gehh T.T h0w h0w h0w~~~

Fr0m today on everyday als0 1:10 finish scul j0r lurhh.. ecp sat is 12:30 larhh =) t0day aft scul g- damai wif t0ny la0g0ng n l0p0.. we g0 eat at ba0 jian tang.. t0ny la0g0ng buy a y0yo 2 me tim.. hehe =) aft tht we g0 cyber.. c them play d0ta.. wala0~ s0 funny d barhh xD

Then ar0und 4 l0po g0 bck his sh0p thr.. thn t0ny puii me bck hum by taxi.. tht time rain s0 big tuu.. hmm~ when we wait the taxi at damai thr.. the rainwater keep n0ng da0 me.. heh~ my t0ny la0g0ng direct stand in fr0nt of me, help me bl0ck the rainwater~ i l0ve tht time s0 muchh.. thx t0ny la0g0ng =) muackss~ aft me arive hum he jiu g0 bck damai t0 wait his mum fetch he at thr lurhh..

La0g0ng.. i will rmb wat i hv say t0day.. la0g0ng als0 dn thk t0o much ordy~ rmb wat i hv say.. '过去' 是改变不了的,不发生都已经发生了,那为何还要去想无法再改变的事呢? 但'现在',我们还能尽力让它别再发生,不再重犯同样的错.. 而'未来',虽然我们不能预测,但至少我们能尽量让它完美,不再有任何错误... la0g0ng n0w really l0ve me and d0n't hurt me again f0rever then can lia0.. dn thk b4 j0r~ ordy past, jz let it past =) 我们经历了那么多,现在是我们该把所经历的当成经验,那时候的伤害我不会再去刻意记起来,因为我知道重要的是现在.. 所以老公别再犯错了哦~ hmm..

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