Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sad day =(

Dn n0e y this few days always gv teacher sc0ld gehh.. heh~ i din talk als0 gv sc0ld.. an0ther ppl at thr talk until the class wn ''LEM'' ordy the teacher dn sc0ld.. hate this few days when at scul.. always gv sc0ld gehh.. when examing als0 gv sc0ld lagii tim ==

Haiz~ t0day cry f0r ab0ut 5 h0urs.. if gt anythg cn change THIS THING, i mz d0 it.. but.. nth cn i d0 als0 =( WHY WHY WHY?!!! why is me?!!! I DON'T WANT!!!!! >< im really s0 s0rry, this all nt i h0pe d.. im s0rry~ I REALLY SO LOVE YOU T.T!! I DON'T WANT LEAVE =(

I w0nt 4get t0day i pr0mise t0ny la0g0ng d thg.. i will l0ve la0g0ng f0rever n ever~ alth0ugh i n0 at here, i als0 will f0rever l0ve n miss la0g0ng 1 only gehh.. muackss!! la0g0ng als0 dn 4get pr0mise me d thg arhh.. i dn n0e wn h0w, la0g0ng baru can believe me i w0nt leave la0g0ng's heart gehh.. time will pr0ve anythg.. i n0e la0g0ng s0 w0rry ab0ut me at thr, but.. pls~ believe me.. im nt tht types of ppl.. i w0nt gehh.. PLEASE BELIEVE ME T.T

♥If i had t0 live my life with0ut u near me, the days w0uld all be empty, the nights would seem s0 l0ng.. u i see f0rever s0 clearly, i might have been in love bef0re.. But i've never felt this str0ng.. Our dreams are y0ung and we b0th kn0w, thy take us where we want t0 g0.. h0ld me n0w t0uch me n0w, i d0n't want t0 live with0ut u.. n0thing's gonna change my l0ve f0r u.. u oughta kn0w by n0w h0w much i l0ve u, one thing u can be sure of.. I never ask f0r m0re than ur l0ve.. If the r0ad ahead is n0t s0 easy, our l0ve will lead the way f0r us.. like a guiding star, i'll be there f0r u if u sh0uld need me.. u d0n't have t0 change a thing, i l0ve u just the way u are.. s0 c0me with me and share the view, I help u see forever t0o~

♥ l0ves la0g0ng, t0ny~
♥ 3m0nths n 11days
♥ muackss =)


  1. La0 p0 a~....i knw if la0 p0 g0 there i will cry...but i can promiz la0 p0...i w0nt dun love u and dun wait u dun take care u dun miz u....CHRISELDA LEE SIAU NI~~I FOREVER ALSO JUST LOVE U 1ONLY....TONY CHONG TONG HONG LOVE U FOREVER~~...MUACKZ~~~when la0 p0 go there...Must take care self and dun cry a....la0 g0ng will stand inside la0 p0 heart middle w0nt walk 0.1cm left or right...just stand at middle loving la0 p0~..i reli s0 se bu de u...T.T...that all i can d0 for u only...i will give u a nice moment...5month~i can d0 s0 many for u~....I LOVE U~

  2. La0g0ng says d arhh.. dn at here yaii yaii arhh.. cnt d0 sumthg is s0rry t0 me d arhh.. la0g0ng mz wn wait me arhh T.T.. TONY CHONG TONG HONG, I FOREVER ALSO JUST LOVE YOU ONLY~~ muackss!! i will take k myself gehh.. la0g0ng als0 wn take k arhh.. dn wn ltr i cum bck la0g0ng "HAK" da0 me orhh xD hmm.. me als0 s0 she bu de la0g0ng orhh T.T la0g0ng orhh =( me als0 will gv la0g0ng a nice m0ment gehh.. i l0ve y0u, la0g0ng~
