Monday, September 28, 2009

A day wif many mo0d ==

C~~ t0ny makes my hand injured.. gt blo0d lagii tim.. heh~~ t0ny s0 yaii yaii.. wn punish he j0r xD

Yeahh~ t0day is the last day f0r m0ck exam xD bt nex wed PMR j0r.. cham l0rhh cham l0rhh T.T

When arrive h0me, ricky g0r tell me his gud news g0ng.. finally he sucess t0uching the girl's heart.. haha^^ hear ricky says, the girl l0ve he s0 much tuu.. hmm~ ricky als0 s0 l0ve her g0ng =) ricky says he will bcs of tht girl w0nt XXXXX-ing j0r tuu.. wuuu~ tis really a gud news lerhh =) g0ng xi thy 2.. h0pe thy wil l0ve f0rever xD

For me, haiz.. cham~ i jz say lia0 1 sentence : wahh.. s0 cham orhh he.. t0ny jiu nyet saii me j0r T.T bt.. haiz~ thn me als0 dn n0e cn say wat ordy.. s0 i jz pls he dn nyet n dn lik tht lurhh.. hmm~ cry until my eyes............

Finally at nite u say t0 me at msn :

hmm la0 p0~
sorry just n0w i like that..
very sorry make la0 p0 eye like that..
i never leave u dehx..
dun be afraid and i will beside with u forever..
maybe just n0w i too sensitive liao..
la0 p0 just say 1 sentances then i like that...
very sorry...
i promiz la0 p0 everything i will chg..
la0 g0ng forever also just u 1 la0 p0 ..
i promiz la0 p0 everything i will do it...
our ♥ w0nt end..
till unlimited century^^
i ♥ u la0 p0~
my heart always will be with u..
la0 p0 n0 nid use tears too make me happy back agn...
i will dun let la0 p0 use lei anymore..
coz jiu suan it is so difficult...
i also yuan yi pei la0 p0 zuo dao jiu hou..
yin wei wo ai ni..
dun cry and dun sad...
we must happy t0 mian dui everynew days...
our ♥ just like unbreak wall..
like sky..
forever also w0nt gone..
coz i never let it gone in my eye..
la0 p0 i will forever keep u in my heart..
from ytd i am trying change ald..
la0 p0...
i will forever chg t0 la0 p0 wan me do gehx thing..
i ♥ u...
la0 p0 sl0w sl0w see what me write..
bcz i very s0 ♥ u..
i study n0t so many..
s0 many words i wan talk with u..
but i dun knw wan h0w write..
maybe talk i can..
la0 p0 at where my ♥ forever also will 4low
dun care it h0w diffult,far and hard....i yuan yi cheng dan all thing...
me still g0t many thing wan say...
but i cant say all..
coz i still wan use my time prove i ♥ u..
la0 p0 must happy in everydays ya..
promiz this...
promiz me ya..
with me together must happy in every days...
la0 p0 man man see...
all i keep use back words...
bcz i study too les...
hope i write all la0 p0 will unterstand and dun sad and cary will be happy back^^
when june20 that day i ald tell la0 p0
i just will ♥ la0 p0 1only..
and thx la0 p0 always i nid u,u will beside me..
i w0nt go away from u mind la0 p0~^^
la0 p0 must wan wait me growth liao then g0 marry with u ya...

Original im SO HAPPY, really SO HAPPY, i thk all is true.. bt n0w all i n0e.. i really n0e T.T dn n0e when tht all will bec0me the true 1.. says fr0m the heart 1.. will i have tht day? i dn n0e T.T Jz n0w talk ph0ne wif he.. my heart real PING PLANG~! breaking, bleeding.. i w0nt slp wh0le nite i thk.. haiz~ I 1st time lik tht T.T my heart keep bleeding, my tears n0n-st0ping.. s0 ache~ really damn ache T.T I n0e.. everythg i n0e.. I jz dn n0e wnna hw 2 explain.. really s0 hurt me.. wat sh0uld i d0 again? I will thk an0ther way again.. if gt way again T.T hmm~ h0pe tml will be all right.. i h0pe s0 =(

♥if i had t0 live my life with0ut u near me
♥the days w0uld all be empty
♥the nights would seem s0 l0ng
♥u i see f0rever s0 clearly
♥i might have been in love bef0re
♥but i've never felt this str0ng
♥our dreams are y0ung and we b0th kn0w
♥thy take us where we want t0 g0
♥h0ld me n0w t0uch me n0w
♥i d0n't want t0 live with0ut u
♥n0thing's gonna change my l0ve f0r u
♥you g0nna kn0w by n0w h0w much i l0ve u
♥one thing u can be sure of
♥i never ask f0r m0re than ur l0ve
♥if the r0ad ahead is n0t s0 easy
♥our l0ve will lead the way f0r us
♥like a guiding star
♥i'll be there f0r u if u sh0uld need me
♥u d0n't have t0 change a thing
♥i l0ve u just the way u are
♥s0 c0me with me and share the view
♥I help u see forever t0o


  1. la0 p0 very sorry ytd....i also g0t think my self is wrong or n0t...the answer is my wrong..i am too sensitive...coz i t00 love u...i ask many ppl...many ppl also say me fault...la0 p0 very sorry.....la0 p0 i love u forever~~Muackzz....xiiao ni....I LOVE U~!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. 老婆(Xiiao Ni),爱情不再乎天长地久,只再乎我们一起所经历过的东西。我再也不愿意看见你为我流眼泪和伤心。因为你的眼泪会让我更加恨我自己,为什么不好好的对你和爱你。老婆放心,我再也不会那样对你了。李晓霓你愿意和我一起找回我们的快乐吗?我一辈子都爱你~

  3. la0g0ng arhh la0g0ng.. im okay gehh~ actually ystd i jz sad f0r 1 thg only gehh.. hmm~ i als0 l0ve la0g0ng gehh =) muackss~

    老公是说真的吗? 如果是真的,嗯嗯~ 我们会找回的.. 有了你,什么都可以 =)
