Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas eve

♥ Present from la0g0ng's mum =)

♥ Present from my t0ny la0g0ng =)

Yeahh~ christmas is coming xD t0day g0 t0 lintas with t0ny and his mum early in the m0rning.. because la0g0ng want see d0ct0r orhh.. wala0~ we at there wait veryyyy l0ng time tuu.. then when 12 m0re, i g0 kian k0k by taxi sin lurhh.. haiz~ really bu xiang g0 =( i d0nt want take my PMR RESULT orhh T.T haiz~ really cham my result.. never think my result will like that, 2A only.. never think just can get 2A T.T and an0ther is 4B, 2C.. Got C~ haiz!!!!!

After that i g0 back lintas there then eating pan mian with la0g0ng and his mum =) After eating la0g0ng's mum bring me g0 弄指甲 orhh.. la0g0ng's mum d0 leg and hand gehh.. I just d0 hand gehh.. thanks auntiee =) we d0 lia0 alm0st 3 h0urs orhh.. After finish d0 nails then we g0 da ba0 yoy0.. hehe~ da ba0 j0r then back h0me lurhh..

When arrive h0me then i take my thing g0 la0g0ng ro0m lurhh.. Then la0g0ng puii me g0 see the puppies.. wala0~~ SOOOOOOOOO CUTE GONG =D all small small gehh.. s0 funny when at there play with th0se puppies xD after playing then g0 bath bath lurhh.. haha =) after bath then with la0g0ng's wh0le family eating at h0me orhh.. yerr~ s0 scare =(

7 m0re then we g0 church orhh.. bef0re g0 church we g0 fetch la0g0ng's grandma.. when at church i keep see la0g0ng's play hp game.. he play with his br0.. we take da0 a present bef0re want leave church.. after finish at church we g0 la0g0ng's grandma h0use yam cha with his relati0n tuu.. s0 scare tuu T.T actually i d0nt eat th0se cha gu0 gehh.. but la0g0ng's grandma takes t0 me orhh.. s0 i must eat lurhh.. hehe~

After eating then we back h0me lurhh.. when arrive h0me then all g0 change shirt and g0 watch tv.. see th0se staring dancing orhh.. watch finish j0r then all g0 up prepare present orhh.. haha xD t0ny la0g0ng and his mum g0t give me present orhh.. me als0 g0t give la0g0ng and his mum present tuu.. hehe =) his mum see j0r the present then c0me in r0om says like the present s0 muchh warhh =P

La0g0ng's mum give me a mickey bag and a card.. la0g0ng give me a 脚链, christmas bear, cow cow, music b0x and 2 christmas card =) i l0ve that music b0x s0 much.. inside is my favaurite s0ng, CLOSE TO YOU orhh.. i really s0 like it =) thanks la0g0ng.. muackss~ i give la0g0ng myself d0 d card, a pair or c0uple cup, christmas minnie and stick 夜光 on his wall.. stick XT ♥ XN..

After that we g0 watch tv lurhh.. then i wait la0g0ng sleep in me baru sleep orhh.. cause he is sick =( he keep says his h0u l0ng s0 pain s0 i g0 d0wn take a glass of water t0 him.. then n0t l0nger he sleep in j0r.. then me caii sleep =)

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