Friday, December 25, 2009

Hohoho~ Merry Christmas!!

♥ Me =)

♥ Tony la0g0ng and me at la0g0ng's car =)

Jingle bell jingle bell~ hoh0ho~~ MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! hahaha.. Today wake up at 9 m0re with t0ny la0g0ng =) then i g0 brush teeth and la0g0ng is playing psp.. when 10 m0re a bit, la0g0ng's mum and dad is wake up then all g0 ready g0 out j0r.. we g0 eat dim sum at pr0menade orhh..

After that eating we g0 cp and warisan walk walk lurhh.. la0g0ng and his br0 t0gether buy j0r a pol0 shirt t0 his dad.. then at cp they buy j0r a few wii's game and 3 dvd =) when ar0und 2 then we g0 karamunsing there d furniture sh0p.. they buy j0r a swing g0ng.. LOLS == after that jiu back h0me lurhh..

When arrive h0me, all g0 change shirt j0r then watch just n0w buy d dvd orhh.. we watch that 刺陵.. wala0~ d0nt kn0w what m0vie laii d.. fr0m start till end me als0 d0nt kn0w what is it talking ab0ut, really s0 b0ring == when 4 o cl0ck, th0se pe0ple send thr swing c0me already.. t0ny la0g0ng and me g0t g0 try try and sun bian g0 play with th0se cutie puppy =P

Then la0g0ng and me g0 play wii at up stair.. we play metal slug =) hahaha.. s0 funny orhh xD which butt0n is f0r put b0om we als0 d0nt kn0w ^^''' but we still c0mplete all missi0n.. after playing then la0g0ng g0 bath, i at r0om rest t0 wait him =)

Afer all is ready then we g0 out lurhh.. we g0 suria eat shabu shabu orhh.. n0t s0 nice gehh.. because the s0up n0 any taste gehh.. but is s0 营养 gehh.. hmm~ After eating we g0 metr0jaya walk walk lurhh.. wala0~ they by a l0t of thing tuu.. see they buy thing me als0 hak da0.. like n0 need m0ney gehh.. la0g0ng's mum als0 buy thing like n0 need m0ney gehh.. heh xD

When ar0und 10, la0g0ng's dad send me back h0me lurhh.. I l0ve my this year's christmas.. im s0 happy celebrate with la0g0ng and his family =)

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