Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tony la0g0ng i l0ve y0u~

Today wake up s0 early in the m0rning.. Tony la0g0ng and his mamii c0me my hse fetch me t0gether g0 eat breakfast orhh.. but la0g0ng mamii t0o late g0 out fr0m hse s0 she n0 with us g0 eat.. she fetch me and la0g0ng g0 beverly eating then she g0 w0rk ordy =) we eat at may and may.. nice~

After eating we g0 bukid padang by taxi.. we g0 thr want j0gging als0 cnt, cs my leg really s0 pain.. walk als0 hard ordy d0nt say is j0g == then we sl0w sl0w walk 1 r0und at thr als0 use lia0 many time nerhh.. cs my leg s0 pain cnt walk like n0rmally, walk da0 s0 sl0w.. then till half t0o pain then sit d0wn or la0g0ng beii me walk tuu.. i n0e he s0 tired and h0t d, but he still want beii me cs he n0e my leg really s0 pain.. muackss~ la0g0ng i l0ve y0u =) after walk finish then la0g0ng g0 buy 2 mineral water and 1 ju hua.. we share the ju hua and 1 b0ttle water.. an0ther b0ttle la0g0ng give me bring t0 my 10days trip later..

When ar0und 12 la0g0ng puii me g0 h0me by taxi then he g0 damaii lurhh.. then after i bath, my mum, dad and me g0 airp0rt j0r.. haiz~ i really s0 she bu de la0g0ng orhh =( when at aer0plane i really dr0p tears j0r T.T T.T when arive j0hor, i 1st must is open ph0ne find la0g0ng gehh =) bcs my leg is t0o pain, s0 at nite my br0 bring me g0 c d0ct0r orhh.. wala0~ he put needle at my leg there lerhh.. and then dn n0e use what tide at the needle there then gt electric d tuu.. wahh~ hak sii me orhh T.T s0 pain orhh =( then he 包 my leg e.. makes me want wear slipper f0r 3 days orhh.. when bath m0st cham T.T cs my leg thr cnt kena water tuu.. bath als0 hard orhh.. heh~

Tony la0g0ng, d0nt f0rget miss miss la0p0 arhh.. rmb drink m0re water and take care urself arhh.. d0nt yaiyai arhh.. heh~ la0p0 will s0o0o0o0o0o miss la0g0ng gehh T.T la0p0 will buy present f0r la0g0ng gehh.. hehe =) la0g0ng d christmas present me als0 want buy fr0m there.. muackss~ la0g0ng wait me c0me bck arhh.. LAOPO YONG YUAN AII NI YI GE ORHH~


  1. la0 g0ng w0nt 4get la0 p0 do to me de everything dehx....la0 g0ng yong yuan dou ai sei ni orhx...la0 p0 must wan wait me arhx...la0 g0ng will bring ring go c la0 p0 dehx...la0 p0 must wan learn "REN" arhx...la0 g0ng yong yuan ai ni orx....Muackz

  2. En en.. la0p0 must will wait la0g0ng gehh.. hehe =) la0p0 must will REN gehh.. la0g0ng als0 arhh.. must want ren arhh =) la0p0 ye y0ng yuan aii ni orhh.. muackss~
