Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last day of 2009 and my last day in kk T.T

♥Celine and me

♥Lovely popcorn

♥Donut donut

♥With my boubuii laogong at

♥At laogong's house =)

Haiz.. today is the last day for me in kk already T.T today im so sad for this but i really happy celebrate the count down with laogong and his family. Laogong, im really so happy this few days sleep at your house and be with you the whole day. Laogong i really love you so much~ how i want to past my next year in school is without you? I dont want no laogong help me takes book in the morning and after school, i dont want no laogong acompany me go canteen having breakfast and lunch T.T

Today i have a wonderful day with laogong. We from morning till evening do what also together. We together watch tv, play puppy, play wii, eating, cycle and many. I will remember all the time with laogong =( Next time i go back i want do this all thing with laogong again.

When at night, laogong and me help laogong's mamii do thing in the kitchen. After do finish, we acompany mamii go out take the mee and buy some food again. When buying food, laogong buy jor a popcorn and a milk tea to me. When arrive home, Aann is going laogong's house find me, because she knows im the last day at here already. She buy a box of donut to me. Thanks aann =) After that, laogong and i go outside sit the swing and take pic =) Then when all the food is ready, we go bbq. After eating, laogong and me sit on 1 bicycle. Waoohh~ laogong fetch me then come down frow the hill with high speed. So scary but so syok =P

After that we go in house watch and help his mum and dad keep thing. Then when around 12, tony laogong and i and some friends go out side the guard house there then put firework. So beautiful orhh. I first time see firework is in front to me. Really so near~ After that we go back the house again.

I so hope the time can stop at just now. I dont want leave here T.T we watch tv, drinking, talking and see laogong play dota to past the time. Haiz~ so fast.. like awhile only jiu 3 more jor T.T laogong's mum and dad is back home. Then i ready all thing then go down with tony laogong. His mum help laogong and i take many picture and me also got take a picture with auntie =)

Around 4 then his mum fetch me go home take my xing li then fetch me go airport. Jing bang got send me a present. I so DISSAPOINTER of someone that night. Finally 露出真面目.. I wont forget about that. You're not m friend anymore. I wont find you anymore. You're too 过分. Hate it!! When on the way to airport, we all at car also quite. Cause really so sad T.T laogong and me already cry T.T when arrive airport, celine also arrive there jor. Laogong's mum help us take picture again. When 5 more, laogong and his mum ready to back home and me also ready to go in already =( i cant stop my tears T.T laogong told me his mum also crying. Laogong and mamii dont cry. I will so miss you two =( laogong want hear mamii's words arhh. Dont forget our promise orhh. Later arrive home go see the present, it is under laogong's pillow.

Laogong, i wont forget what have i promise. Laogong also dont forget okay? We must together gambateh arhh. Dont suddenly give up arhh. Laogong and mamii dont sad arhh. Laopo will fast fast go back see you two gehh. I promise =) Laopo will so miss laogong gehh. Laogong also orhh. Dont care how far we are, in my heart we'll never be apart. Muacksss~

Friday, December 25, 2009

Hohoho~ Merry Christmas!!

♥ Me =)

♥ Tony la0g0ng and me at la0g0ng's car =)

Jingle bell jingle bell~ hoh0ho~~ MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! hahaha.. Today wake up at 9 m0re with t0ny la0g0ng =) then i g0 brush teeth and la0g0ng is playing psp.. when 10 m0re a bit, la0g0ng's mum and dad is wake up then all g0 ready g0 out j0r.. we g0 eat dim sum at pr0menade orhh..

After that eating we g0 cp and warisan walk walk lurhh.. la0g0ng and his br0 t0gether buy j0r a pol0 shirt t0 his dad.. then at cp they buy j0r a few wii's game and 3 dvd =) when ar0und 2 then we g0 karamunsing there d furniture sh0p.. they buy j0r a swing g0ng.. LOLS == after that jiu back h0me lurhh..

When arrive h0me, all g0 change shirt j0r then watch just n0w buy d dvd orhh.. we watch that 刺陵.. wala0~ d0nt kn0w what m0vie laii d.. fr0m start till end me als0 d0nt kn0w what is it talking ab0ut, really s0 b0ring == when 4 o cl0ck, th0se pe0ple send thr swing c0me already.. t0ny la0g0ng and me g0t g0 try try and sun bian g0 play with th0se cutie puppy =P

Then la0g0ng and me g0 play wii at up stair.. we play metal slug =) hahaha.. s0 funny orhh xD which butt0n is f0r put b0om we als0 d0nt kn0w ^^''' but we still c0mplete all missi0n.. after playing then la0g0ng g0 bath, i at r0om rest t0 wait him =)

Afer all is ready then we g0 out lurhh.. we g0 suria eat shabu shabu orhh.. n0t s0 nice gehh.. because the s0up n0 any taste gehh.. but is s0 营养 gehh.. hmm~ After eating we g0 metr0jaya walk walk lurhh.. wala0~ they by a l0t of thing tuu.. see they buy thing me als0 hak da0.. like n0 need m0ney gehh.. la0g0ng's mum als0 buy thing like n0 need m0ney gehh.. heh xD

When ar0und 10, la0g0ng's dad send me back h0me lurhh.. I l0ve my this year's christmas.. im s0 happy celebrate with la0g0ng and his family =)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas eve

♥ Present from la0g0ng's mum =)

♥ Present from my t0ny la0g0ng =)

Yeahh~ christmas is coming xD t0day g0 t0 lintas with t0ny and his mum early in the m0rning.. because la0g0ng want see d0ct0r orhh.. wala0~ we at there wait veryyyy l0ng time tuu.. then when 12 m0re, i g0 kian k0k by taxi sin lurhh.. haiz~ really bu xiang g0 =( i d0nt want take my PMR RESULT orhh T.T haiz~ really cham my result.. never think my result will like that, 2A only.. never think just can get 2A T.T and an0ther is 4B, 2C.. Got C~ haiz!!!!!

After that i g0 back lintas there then eating pan mian with la0g0ng and his mum =) After eating la0g0ng's mum bring me g0 弄指甲 orhh.. la0g0ng's mum d0 leg and hand gehh.. I just d0 hand gehh.. thanks auntiee =) we d0 lia0 alm0st 3 h0urs orhh.. After finish d0 nails then we g0 da ba0 yoy0.. hehe~ da ba0 j0r then back h0me lurhh..

When arrive h0me then i take my thing g0 la0g0ng ro0m lurhh.. Then la0g0ng puii me g0 see the puppies.. wala0~~ SOOOOOOOOO CUTE GONG =D all small small gehh.. s0 funny when at there play with th0se puppies xD after playing then g0 bath bath lurhh.. haha =) after bath then with la0g0ng's wh0le family eating at h0me orhh.. yerr~ s0 scare =(

7 m0re then we g0 church orhh.. bef0re g0 church we g0 fetch la0g0ng's grandma.. when at church i keep see la0g0ng's play hp game.. he play with his br0.. we take da0 a present bef0re want leave church.. after finish at church we g0 la0g0ng's grandma h0use yam cha with his relati0n tuu.. s0 scare tuu T.T actually i d0nt eat th0se cha gu0 gehh.. but la0g0ng's grandma takes t0 me orhh.. s0 i must eat lurhh.. hehe~

After eating then we back h0me lurhh.. when arrive h0me then all g0 change shirt and g0 watch tv.. see th0se staring dancing orhh.. watch finish j0r then all g0 up prepare present orhh.. haha xD t0ny la0g0ng and his mum g0t give me present orhh.. me als0 g0t give la0g0ng and his mum present tuu.. hehe =) his mum see j0r the present then c0me in r0om says like the present s0 muchh warhh =P

La0g0ng's mum give me a mickey bag and a card.. la0g0ng give me a 脚链, christmas bear, cow cow, music b0x and 2 christmas card =) i l0ve that music b0x s0 much.. inside is my favaurite s0ng, CLOSE TO YOU orhh.. i really s0 like it =) thanks la0g0ng.. muackss~ i give la0g0ng myself d0 d card, a pair or c0uple cup, christmas minnie and stick 夜光 on his wall.. stick XT ♥ XN..

After that we g0 watch tv lurhh.. then i wait la0g0ng sleep in me baru sleep orhh.. cause he is sick =( he keep says his h0u l0ng s0 pain s0 i g0 d0wn take a glass of water t0 him.. then n0t l0nger he sleep in j0r.. then me caii sleep =)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sy0k =D

【Little crab】

【So yeng d jellyfish =)】

【Lo0k like ice cream xD】

【Shell crab xD】

【My la0g0ng】

【Our shad0w】

【Tony la0g0ng】

【Our leg】

【Draw by la0g0ng】

Today wake up 9 m0re in the m0rning.. 10 o cl0ck g0 out with t0ny la0g0ng j0r.. hehe =) we g0 cp fr0m my hse by taxi.. when arive cp, we g0 waris0n mam mam.. aft that we g0 bck cp buy ticket t0 watch m0vie.. we watch z0mbieland orhh.. wala0~ s0 yuckiee lerhh ==

After that we g0 walk walk awhile and buy y0yo =) then we g0 tanjung aru by taxi lurhh.. 2 m0re we arive tanjung aru j0r.. we sit under a tree t0 drink our yoy0 then we take off sh0es start g0 the beach thr walk walk and play play lurhh.. hehe =) that time very s0 h0t.. the sun s0 big lerhh.. but we still play da0 s0 sy0k xD

We take lia0 many pic at thr orhh.. we hav al0t of fun at thr xD we saw many seashell will m0ving then la0g0ng take it up and c.. yuan laii inside gt crab d e.. wala0~ many orhh.. makes me s0 scare at thr.. but their shell s0 lenq d tuu.. then keep call la0g0ng take they up and c.. cs i dn dare t0 take it ^^''' then t0ny la0g0ng start take it t0 bully me orhh.. yerr~ s0 bad d orhh =P

Beside, we saw many jellyfish tuu.. wala0~ i s0 scare when walk at thr will suddenly bu xia0 xin step da0 jellyfish orhh.. thr d jellyfish s0 special d orhh.. i 1st time saw the jellyfish gt a symb0l like + or X gehh.. s0 nice tuu =D when we walk bck t0 we put sh0es thr thn start raining j0r.. s0 we run t0 we put sh0es thr orhh.. haha~ h0wever, we still gt abit she she.. but we s0 happy xD we lazy g0 t0 t0ilet thr wash leg s0 we g0 under a r0of then put leg g0 out use rain water clean leg xD

When 4 m0re the taxi arive j0r.. la0g0ng send me bck h0me then he g0 damai wait mamii g0 fetch he =) la0g0ng wif his mum g0 1b just n0w.. la0g0ng buy j0r a pill0w t0 me tuu.. hehe =) when i sleep the pill0w must hv a sweet dream with la0g0ng gehh =P

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Funny day xD

Today wake up at 9 o'cl0ck.. then t0ny la0g0ng c0me my hse at 9:30, aft that jing bang arive my hse at 10 m0re and celine is the m0st late 1.. heh~ when all arive my hse, then we g0 suria by taxi =)

Suria nt s0 many sh0p is opening gehh.. i saw a 'g0ng zaii' s0 cute orhh.. wala0~ i l0ve it s0 muchh.. but s0 expensive f0r a 'g0ng zaii' e =( originally we c0me suria is wn watch m0vie gehh.. cs celine's fren says t0day cinema open warhh.. manatahu lian cinema we als0 didnt saw it lerhh == thr d ascalat0r s0 scary d orhh.. wala0~ we saw da0 a BIG RAT walk at suria thr orhh.. hak sii me orhh == then we t0o hungry j0r s0 g0 pizza hut eating..

After that we walk t0 cp g0ng.. haha xD actually nt s0 far gehh.. just s0 h0t~ when arive cp we g0 buy ticket watch m0vie.. hehe~ we watch the st0rm warri0r =) wala0.. many ppl watch e.. make us want sit at B orhh.. s0 near g0ng =P After watch finish m0vie, t0ny la0g0ng puii me g0 buy y0yo drink.. hehe =) then en gt c0me find celine awhile.. then we n0 place cn g0 j0r s0 g0 waris0n kam t0ng thr find my k muii, shar0n~ then we at thr yam cha and talk talk wif shar0n.. l0ng time din c she j0r =)

When 4:30 we puii jing bang g0 cp thr find his br0 then we g0 h0me by taxi lurhh.. but t0ny la0g0ng wn g0 karamunsing orhh.. cs he want helps his mum buy thg =) and the next is me bck hum lurhh.. celine is the last again~ wahahaha xD