Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tony la0g0ng i l0ve y0u~

Today wake up s0 early in the m0rning.. Tony la0g0ng and his mamii c0me my hse fetch me t0gether g0 eat breakfast orhh.. but la0g0ng mamii t0o late g0 out fr0m hse s0 she n0 with us g0 eat.. she fetch me and la0g0ng g0 beverly eating then she g0 w0rk ordy =) we eat at may and may.. nice~

After eating we g0 bukid padang by taxi.. we g0 thr want j0gging als0 cnt, cs my leg really s0 pain.. walk als0 hard ordy d0nt say is j0g == then we sl0w sl0w walk 1 r0und at thr als0 use lia0 many time nerhh.. cs my leg s0 pain cnt walk like n0rmally, walk da0 s0 sl0w.. then till half t0o pain then sit d0wn or la0g0ng beii me walk tuu.. i n0e he s0 tired and h0t d, but he still want beii me cs he n0e my leg really s0 pain.. muackss~ la0g0ng i l0ve y0u =) after walk finish then la0g0ng g0 buy 2 mineral water and 1 ju hua.. we share the ju hua and 1 b0ttle water.. an0ther b0ttle la0g0ng give me bring t0 my 10days trip later..

When ar0und 12 la0g0ng puii me g0 h0me by taxi then he g0 damaii lurhh.. then after i bath, my mum, dad and me g0 airp0rt j0r.. haiz~ i really s0 she bu de la0g0ng orhh =( when at aer0plane i really dr0p tears j0r T.T T.T when arive j0hor, i 1st must is open ph0ne find la0g0ng gehh =) bcs my leg is t0o pain, s0 at nite my br0 bring me g0 c d0ct0r orhh.. wala0~ he put needle at my leg there lerhh.. and then dn n0e use what tide at the needle there then gt electric d tuu.. wahh~ hak sii me orhh T.T s0 pain orhh =( then he 包 my leg e.. makes me want wear slipper f0r 3 days orhh.. when bath m0st cham T.T cs my leg thr cnt kena water tuu.. bath als0 hard orhh.. heh~

Tony la0g0ng, d0nt f0rget miss miss la0p0 arhh.. rmb drink m0re water and take care urself arhh.. d0nt yaiyai arhh.. heh~ la0p0 will s0o0o0o0o0o miss la0g0ng gehh T.T la0p0 will buy present f0r la0g0ng gehh.. hehe =) la0g0ng d christmas present me als0 want buy fr0m there.. muackss~ la0g0ng wait me c0me bck arhh.. LAOPO YONG YUAN AII NI YI GE ORHH~

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Today 9 m0re t0ny la0g0ng and i jiu at damai having our breakfast.. we eat pan mian~ the taste n0t bad =) aft that we g0 cp by taxi lurhh.. we g0 buy ticket (christmas car0l) haha.. g0t abit funny larhh =P many ppl c this m0vie als0 tuu.. hmm~

Aft that we g0 bck damai again.. we g0 having our lunch at burger king.. wa0ohh~ nice orhh xD aft eating la0g0ng send me bck hum lurhh =) t0day i having my dinner with my dad and mum at damai again~ l0ls == we g0 eat shabu shabu.. l0ng time din eat steam b0at j0r =D delici0us~~

La0g0ng says will gv surprise d arhh.. alth0ugh i d0nt n0e isit really a surprise or what, but i will wait it =) la0g0ng says i will s0 happy that time.. s0 i really s0 anticipate actually what is it.. it is a present? or a great time? or a thing? i h0pe it really can exchange t0day i wait d all time =P

唉~ 不要再不回我短信了.. 等了20多分钟你才回我.. 回我也是那几个字而已,你从来不会这样,你怎么了? 你在车的时候没时间和我传简讯吗? 就算你有也不到3封,好像不想理我一样.. 你说过玩game会跟我讲的,但你刚才怎么没说? 只叫我等你一下.. 平时你在玩,你还会回我的,但刚才怎么了? 刚才和你讲电话又是一下子你就讲眼睡了,是因为你玩game玩到累吗? 如果是,我希望你在和我讲电话之前不要玩.. 你知道你最近和我讲电话都只是一下吗? 你说你会关机的,可是刚才我试着打过去,既然 ''通了'' 但没声音的,是你在讲电话吗? 你知道我现在担心到什么程度吗? 你真的睡了吗? 你真的有关机吗? 怎么办 T.T

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Loves t0day..

Today wake up when 8 m0re.. my dad n mum rush t0 eat breakfast wif my relati0n.. they say 10 m0re baru c0me bck fetch me g0 damai warhh.. then i call t0ny la0g0ng c0me my hse sin baru t0gether g0 damai~ when 9 o cl0ck la0g0ng arive my hum j0r.. then we g0 damai fr0m my hse by taxi at 9:30..

Aft arive damai, we g0 having our breakfast lurhh.. me eat mee s0up wif 'yu pian' and t0ny la0g0ng eat meefun s0up wif 'yu pian' t0o =) aft that we g0 cyber play game, we t0gether play sd0.. wa0ohh~ l0ng time din play j0r me.. no0b j0r == aft that we g0 karamunsing sing k g0ng~ wahaha.. we have a l0t of fun at there =D wif t0ny la0g0ng sing da0 wn s0t s0t j0r xD when 2 o cl0ck we g0 fun square thr play lurhh.. La0g0ng play that car racing really s0 pr0 orhh =) we g0 play basketball and p0ker by the machine at fun square thr.. wala0~ s0 funny xD

When 3 m0re we g0 bck damai lurhh.. originally we wn g0 eat 'pan mian' gehh.. but cl0se j0r.. sad =( s0 we g0 y0yo lurhh.. La0g0ng and i at thr drink y0yo and play c0ins g0ng xD keep guess is 20 or picture xD ohyaa~ i saw rachel ling and lee kang yee at y0yo thr t0o.. we sit infr0nt of them =) Aft finish our drinks then we g0 cyber again =P t0ny la0g0ng play d0ta orhh.. his c0mp s0 lag tuu.. l0ls~ i dn n0e wanna play wat s0 just find s0me mini game 2 play lurhh..

Aft that we g0 eat and drinks at the sh0p dn n0e wat name.. but like 'li0ng cha p0u' gehh.. La0g0ng eat nasi lemak and drink lem0n ping, i just eat the 'mang gu0 mi gua xi mi lu' nt s0 nice gehh.. When 4:30 t0ny la0g0ng puii me bck h0me by taxi, then he g0 bck damai again t0 wait his mum fetch he..

Just n0w la0g0ng and his mum g0 city mall.. then la0g0ng g0 buy a c0uple watch orhh.. dn n0e is hw d lerhh =) he says when sat we out he will gv me c warhh.. thx la0g0ng orhh.. muackss!! la0g0ng, this watch means the time of us arhh.. s0 la0g0ng cnt let the watch st0p m0ving arhh.. i w0nt let it st0p, i will let it keep m0ving till the f0rever and ever m0re~ la0g0ng w0 aii ni =)

老公,你知道吗? 其实我真的好怕很多东西.. 我好怕过着见不到你的日子,我好怕你不会等我,我好怕你会放弃这一切,我好怕以后你会说现在许的这些承诺只不过是因为当时还小,我好怕你不会爱我了,我好怕你会离开我,我好怕你会爱上别人,我好怕你对别人有感觉,我好怕你会不要我了,我好怕你会找别人解闷,我也好怕你会骗我.. 或许没人会相信我们能做到我们说过的一切.. 但我相信我能,你相信你能吗? 我们许过的承诺,我希望你真的能陪我实现它,因为我真的好想让它实现,那也是我的梦想.. 你会陪我游过时间的海而实现它吗? 我的幸福未来一定要有你在,没有你=没有未来.. 可能别人都会觉得我现在还小很傻,很天真,但我可以很肯定的说,我爱统宏是因为我的感觉,不是我的年龄.. 我爱统宏的感触只有我一个人懂,不会有任何人懂.. 别人可以说我不够成熟,但不能说我不懂爱,因为每个人对爱的观念都不一样.. 你懂我想说些什么吗? 你懂我的感受吗? 你能不管任何事都不放手,都不退后,都不放弃,都不改变对我的爱吗? 我真的好爱你,永远都只爱你一个,张统宏~

Saturday, November 14, 2009

1st day of my h0liday =]

Today wake up s0 early in the m0rning.. 6:45 my alarm ring but i cl0se it j0r then bu xiia0 xin slp in again == luckily la0g0ng call me orhh.. if nt i mz slp da0 late j0r.. hehe =) when la0g0ng call me then i fast fast g0 prepared lurhh..

Ar0und 7 la0g0ng n his mum arive my hse j0r.. then la0g0ng n his mum n me t0gether g0 yam cha at beverly thr lurhh.. we eat dim sum =) aft that his mum fetch us g0 his mum d w0rk place thr.. then la0g0ng g0 interview, me 4l0w his mum at his mum sh0p thr.. with la0g0ng d mum talk talk lurhh =)

Aft that g0 damai wif la0g0ng and kai fung.. they at cx play game me c la0g0ng play d0ta lurhh.. me b0ring till play mini game wait the time pass then wif la0g0ng g0 kk watch m0vie wif leiyee them =) ar0und 11 we g0 kk by taxi lurhh..

We watch the 2012 orhh.. wala0.. the cinema full of ppl =) we sit at hall 8 tuu.. wa0ohh~~ lucky g0ng xD aft m0vie we g0 play basketball and take sweet gehh and take t0ken gehh =) aft that we g0 yam cha at secret recipe.. hv a l0t fun at thr.. s0 funny orhh =P

Ar0und 5, my dad c0me cp takes me and bck hum lurhh.. t0nite i g0 my relati0n d baby full m0nth at may fl0wer thr.. the baby s0 QQ orhh =)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Last day in kian k0k T.T

【My 1st place prize xD】

【My f0rm teacher in f0rm3 】

Today is our f0rm 3 and f0rm 6 d graduati0n.. t0day als0 my last year study in kian k0k ordy.. im happy t0 meet u all my classmate or friends =) h0pe u all will be happy everyday and take care yarhh..

Wao0hh~ i get the 1st place in my class =D finally i gt the 奖杯 is fr0m kian k0k 1 xD l0ng time din gt the 1st ordy.. b4 all s0 geng gehh =( ha0 caii the last year gv me take the 1st place ordy.. YEAHHHHH!!! t0day im really s0 happy bcs my la0g0ng t0ny pass tuu =) c0ngratulati0ns yarhh.. h0pe la0g0ng nex year can gt at least 50 mark in average yarhh.. muackss~

Aft scul t0ny la0g0ng and i and s0me of his fren g0 kk =) thy g0 interview tuu.. at 海王城 thr orhh.. but the time is 5pm till 11pm tuu.. s0 late e~ i bu xiang la0g0ng g0 thr w0rk orhh.. time is t0o late j0r =( i bu f0ng sam arhh ^^ Tml la0g0ng wn g0 interview at his mamii's fren d sh0p thr orhh.. tml la0g0ng d mamii m0rning c0me my hse fetch me g0 eat breakfast then puii la0g0ng g0 interview then g0 kk c m0vie orhh.. yerr~ i pa pa orhh.. hmm~ 2012 D TICKET WAIT ME!! IM COMING TML!!!!!!

La0g0ng, d0nt u cry~ la0p0 will be in ur heart gehh.. i f0rever als0 will l0ve la0g0ng gehh.. i mz will guaii guaii at thr gehh.. i w0nt 4get our pr0mise =) la0g0ng als0 d0nt 4get what la0g0ng hv pr0mise me orhh =) muackss~ >NOTHING'S GONNA CHANGE MY LOVE FOR YOU, IN MY HEART WE'LL NEVER BE APART<

My friends, im happy 2 meet y0u all =) d0nt 4get me tis friend arhh.. when im bck, i will g0 visit u all gehh =) take k yarhh..

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Nice day =D

Today t0ny la0g0ng celeb his birth nerhh.. hehe =) aft scul i f0ll0w leiyee g0 her hse bath bath sin then t0ny la0g0ng f0ll0w vui yang g0 hum als0.. aft that we all g0 1b meet lurhh =)

We watch ninja at 1b cinema thr.. aft m0vie we g0 mam mam at bak ku teh thr.. wala0~ s0 expensive orhh.. RM170 tuu~ dn n0e y s0 expensive gehh.. dn n0e that ppl gt c0unt wr0ng a nt gehh.. heh~ aft that we g0 play pool.. we in vvip r0om tuu xD wala0~ s0 big.. like cinema jiang orhh.. hahaha~ Aft that we g0 t0ny la0g0ng hse by his mum car lurhh..

Tony la0g0ng d hse s0 lenq n big orhh.. wa0ohh~~ he gt 5 d0gs orhh.. gt 1 s0 big orhh.. if put hand inside the cage, i thk the hand will hilang orhh xD he gt 2 d0g s0 cute orhh.. i keep playing with his that 2 d0gs.. hehe ^^

At his hse make me s0 scare orhh.. his parents and relati0n s0 friendly tuu.. when i at t0ny la0g0ng d r0om c c, his mum and relati0n at outside and call t0ny la0g0ng brg me g0 out let them c xia c xia warhh.. wala0~ of cs i will scare arhh.. his mum and relati0n direct c0me in orhh.. wa0oh~ her mum hlp me and t0ny la0g0ng take pic tuu =)

Tony la0g0ng d mum call me tuesday nite g0 eating with them orhh.. want let t0ny la0g0ng d grandma c c me warhh.. wa0ohh~ hak da0 me orhh.. i thk i cn g0 gehh but i s0 pa pa tuu.. luckily la0g0ng like my present orhh ^^ his mum and relati0n says me s0 y0u xin.. i really use many xing ji t0 d0 it d tuu =) his dad and mum tell la0g0ng ask me tml baru bck warhh.. they says tml aftn0on fetch me bck orhh.. but my XX XXX and XXXXXX mum dn gv == wait me h0liday i mz g0 again gehh =) muackss~

Alth0ugh t0day n0t la0g0ng d real birthday.. but i still want say t0 b0ubuii la0g0ng.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY~~~~~ I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER TILL UNLIMITED CENTURY =) MUACKSS!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hehe =)

Now at scul nth cn d0 gehh.. at thr walk up walk d0wn.. wat als0 play xD 2day we play p0ker card at j3yi.. suddenly that sim0n walk in then m0 sh0u.. thn all g0 hlp sim0n d0 thg == but i din g0 =P aft thy finish, t0ny la0g0ng, me, leiyee, vuiyang, nels0n g0 canteen eating =)

After that we g0 S1 thr du xD finally i understand s0me h0w t0 play laii pia =) but still gt abit blur blur gehh.. thn we g0 j2yi du lagii g0ng.. t0ny la0g0ng, me, leiyee n vui yang d0 z0ng ka.. play 9 dian and black jack.. wa0oh~ win many m0ney g0ng xD

Finish scul t0ny la0g0ng, me n yuan ting g0 damai mam mam.. we g0 eat pizza g0ng =) l0ng time din eat j0r.. wa0oh~ eat da0 s0 full =) aft that t0ny la0g0ng puii me bck hum by taxi lurhh.. arive hum jiu start d0 t0ny la0g0ng d present j0r..

Tony la0g0ng d birth is c0ming lia0 lurhh =) i gift he 3 present.. 1 is c0uple shirt, 2 n 3 is secret xD wait that day baru gv he c.. is 无价之宝 orhh.. cs is myself made it gehh =) h0pe la0g0ng lik it.. that c0uple shirt ord gv he.. cs sat we wn wear same same gehh xD leiyee n vui yang als0 gift he present j0r.. thy buy c0uple lian 2 he.. that time i keep cal leiyee dn buy cs s0 expensive tuu.. 130 orhh.. but at the last she als0 buy j0r.. she cal t0ny n me mz wn wear it when sat =)

Finally t0day i finish d0ing la0g0ng d present j0r.. wa0ohhh~~ i really use j0r s0 many xin ji.. waiting sat c0ming~ yeahhhh =D I LOVE YOU LAOGONG =)