Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Just a day..

Wala0~ t0day at scul s0o0o0o0o sleepy == dn n0e y.. Zzz~ my eyes keep wn cl0se d0wn ordy.. heh~ I REALLY SO HATE MATH ordy!! i s0 hard gt tht marks.. manatahu.. gv deduct my marks until ??? me als0 bu xiang say lia0 T.T!! When malay peri0d teacher call me hlp she c0rrect the ans sheet, cs gt 9 ques nid change ans.. hmm~ i plus 4 marks at thr xD bt.. hear da0 teacher says sumthg tht is nt gud f0r me.. haiz~ WHY??!!! ><

Today bck hum at 4pm.. arive hum nth cn d0.. s0 opn c0mp t0 play FB d game (restaurant city) dn n0e y.. i keep l0g in bt cnt == until me nyet saii cl0se all the line n c0mp.. thn try opn agian.. heh~ still cnt.. aft 30 minutes, FINALLY!!! i cn opn my restaurant city lia0.. wahaha xD

Thn whn ar0und 7, gt a pers0n send my mum order d JELLY MOONCAKE t0 my hse ordy.. 2 b0x g0ng.. waohh~ SO DELICIOUSSS =P.. Ar0und 9 m0re, t0ny call me lurhh.. hehe ^^ thn we talk talk.. we talk until 11:03 =) Dn 4get wat we say t0day yarhh..*THEY ARE THEY, THEY NOT US, SO.. WE'R NOT SAME~ dn b afraid.. if n0t i'll be afraid gehh.. hmm~

Wahh~~ suddenly rain heavily orhh.. hmm~ nice t0 slp.. bt.. th0se st0rm s0 l0ud n scary tuu.. n wind s0 big, gt s0und lagii d timm~ makes me s0 scare T.T tht st0rm mcm wn make my hse ''LEM'' ordy.. ha0 cai my hse gt 霹雷针.. xD

♥ l0ves la0g0ng, t0ny~
♥ muackss~

Monday, September 28, 2009

A day wif many mo0d ==

C~~ t0ny makes my hand injured.. gt blo0d lagii tim.. heh~~ t0ny s0 yaii yaii.. wn punish he j0r xD

Yeahh~ t0day is the last day f0r m0ck exam xD bt nex wed PMR j0r.. cham l0rhh cham l0rhh T.T

When arrive h0me, ricky g0r tell me his gud news g0ng.. finally he sucess t0uching the girl's heart.. haha^^ hear ricky says, the girl l0ve he s0 much tuu.. hmm~ ricky als0 s0 l0ve her g0ng =) ricky says he will bcs of tht girl w0nt XXXXX-ing j0r tuu.. wuuu~ tis really a gud news lerhh =) g0ng xi thy 2.. h0pe thy wil l0ve f0rever xD

For me, haiz.. cham~ i jz say lia0 1 sentence : wahh.. s0 cham orhh he.. t0ny jiu nyet saii me j0r T.T bt.. haiz~ thn me als0 dn n0e cn say wat ordy.. s0 i jz pls he dn nyet n dn lik tht lurhh.. hmm~ cry until my eyes............

Finally at nite u say t0 me at msn :

hmm la0 p0~
sorry just n0w i like that..
very sorry make la0 p0 eye like that..
i never leave u dehx..
dun be afraid and i will beside with u forever..
maybe just n0w i too sensitive liao..
la0 p0 just say 1 sentances then i like that...
very sorry...
i promiz la0 p0 everything i will chg..
la0 g0ng forever also just u 1 la0 p0 ..
i promiz la0 p0 everything i will do it...
our ♥ w0nt end..
till unlimited century^^
i ♥ u la0 p0~
my heart always will be with u..
la0 p0 n0 nid use tears too make me happy back agn...
i will dun let la0 p0 use lei anymore..
coz jiu suan it is so difficult...
i also yuan yi pei la0 p0 zuo dao jiu hou..
yin wei wo ai ni..
dun cry and dun sad...
we must happy t0 mian dui everynew days...
our ♥ just like unbreak wall..
like sky..
forever also w0nt gone..
coz i never let it gone in my eye..
la0 p0 i will forever keep u in my heart..
from ytd i am trying change ald..
la0 p0...
i will forever chg t0 la0 p0 wan me do gehx thing..
i ♥ u...
la0 p0 sl0w sl0w see what me write..
bcz i very s0 ♥ u..
i study n0t so many..
s0 many words i wan talk with u..
but i dun knw wan h0w write..
maybe talk i can..
la0 p0 at where my ♥ forever also will 4low
dun care it h0w diffult,far and hard....i yuan yi cheng dan all thing...
me still g0t many thing wan say...
but i cant say all..
coz i still wan use my time prove i ♥ u..
la0 p0 must happy in everydays ya..
promiz this...
promiz me ya..
with me together must happy in every days...
la0 p0 man man see...
all i keep use back words...
bcz i study too les...
hope i write all la0 p0 will unterstand and dun sad and cary will be happy back^^
when june20 that day i ald tell la0 p0
i just will ♥ la0 p0 1only..
and thx la0 p0 always i nid u,u will beside me..
i w0nt go away from u mind la0 p0~^^
la0 p0 must wan wait me growth liao then g0 marry with u ya...

Original im SO HAPPY, really SO HAPPY, i thk all is true.. bt n0w all i n0e.. i really n0e T.T dn n0e when tht all will bec0me the true 1.. says fr0m the heart 1.. will i have tht day? i dn n0e T.T Jz n0w talk ph0ne wif he.. my heart real PING PLANG~! breaking, bleeding.. i w0nt slp wh0le nite i thk.. haiz~ I 1st time lik tht T.T my heart keep bleeding, my tears n0n-st0ping.. s0 ache~ really damn ache T.T I n0e.. everythg i n0e.. I jz dn n0e wnna hw 2 explain.. really s0 hurt me.. wat sh0uld i d0 again? I will thk an0ther way again.. if gt way again T.T hmm~ h0pe tml will be all right.. i h0pe s0 =(

♥if i had t0 live my life with0ut u near me
♥the days w0uld all be empty
♥the nights would seem s0 l0ng
♥u i see f0rever s0 clearly
♥i might have been in love bef0re
♥but i've never felt this str0ng
♥our dreams are y0ung and we b0th kn0w
♥thy take us where we want t0 g0
♥h0ld me n0w t0uch me n0w
♥i d0n't want t0 live with0ut u
♥n0thing's gonna change my l0ve f0r u
♥you g0nna kn0w by n0w h0w much i l0ve u
♥one thing u can be sure of
♥i never ask f0r m0re than ur l0ve
♥if the r0ad ahead is n0t s0 easy
♥our l0ve will lead the way f0r us
♥like a guiding star
♥i'll be there f0r u if u sh0uld need me
♥u d0n't have t0 change a thing
♥i l0ve u just the way u are
♥s0 c0me with me and share the view
♥I help u see forever t0o

Friday, September 25, 2009

Painful + Lucky day~

Wao0hh~ t0day early in the m0rning start st0mach ache lia0 =( cham~ 4am orhh T.T make me din hv slp well wh0le nite.. haiz~ until n0w als0 pain.. cham orhh T.T dn n0e wat happen.. heh~

Today exam hist s0 funny xD all pe0ple thk wn hw t0u za0.. thn I scare i mem0rise d din out thn me als0 c0py 2 at a small small paper xD bt.. i din t0u za0 da0.. cs exam out d all i hv mem0rise xD gt 10 i jz mem0rise 3 tuu.. really gt out tht 3~ 5 ques ch0ose 3 ques ans.. wahahaha~ t0o lucky lia0 me 2day =)

My dad t0day 4get fetch me frm scul g0ng.. heh~ bt.. thts is gud larhh.. cs i cn c n puii m0re awhile t0ny~ hek hek xP

♥ l0ves la0g0ng, t0ny~
♥ muackss~

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Why will like tht ?

Haiz~ wat happen t0day? Aft finish scul, my heart keep feel gt sumthg will happen n s0 "PAIN"~ cham T.T.. really gt sumthg will happen? OMG~ h0pe dn =(

Whn im talking ph0ne wif t0ny, my tears keep c0me out fr0m my eyes.. I cnt st0p it T.T really feel s0 SAM TONG orhh.. wat happen orhh? T.T~

Hope everythg will be all right.. haiz~

♥ l0ves la0g0ng~
♥ muackss =)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Today wake up s0 early.. nt reli gud in the m0rning T.T bt unless aftno0n anythg is okay larhh.. Hmm~

After eating wif my parents, we g0 cp.. c da0 a lapt0p okay als0 tuu.. dn n0e whn my dad baru buy a new lapt0p 4 me lerhh? I lik the s0ny 1.. waohh~ lenq orhh tht xD bt if buy an0ther als0 okay d.. imp0rtant is the lapt0p gud m0u =)

Tml exam uec chi n pmr math orhh.. dn n0e tht uec chi i wn hw 2 d0 lerhh.. scare s0 hard =( h0pe dn s0 hard arhhh~~ pmr math mayb okay larhh.. wahaha xP

Wohh~ suddenly rain heavily.. Hmm~~ Actually gt many thg wnna say.. bt... I reli dn n0e wn hw t0 explain.. haiz~ nvm larhh.. let it b in my heart n let myself understand only larhh =)

♥ l0ves la0g0ng, t0ny~
♥ muackss~

Monday, September 21, 2009

Have a sweet dream but have a sad day today T.T

Haiz~ 我到底还能怎样? 你才可以不要这样? 是你让我很开心但也是你让我很痛心。你告诉我,我到底要怎样你才能永远当让我开心幸福的你? 我什么方法都试了,但好像什么都行不通 =(

你知道吗? 有时你真的会让我很气,因为你不安慰我,不哄我,我说你哄不到我,不代表是每一次都是哄不到。但我不会生气你,是因为我不想事情越高越大。因为我知道如果我也生气的话,你也不会安慰我,不会哄我。而这时候的你会更没心情,更不想跟我说话了,这也是我最烦恼和担心的一点。我最不想看到的就是这样,既然我知道结果会是这样,为什么我还要生气呢? 所以为什么我每次不管是谁弄谁生气都好,只要你生气,我都会安慰你,哄你。而每次不管是谁弄谁伤心,只要是你伤心,我都会安慰你,哄你。你有发觉吗? 如果调换的话,你会像我一样吗? 我自己也不敢保证.. 我知道你为我付出很多,但我还是希望有一天你会明白我为你付出的这些,要真正付出这些并不是容易做到的,你知道吗? 就算你能做到,到最后你还是会一样伤心生气,不像我,只要我能安慰到你,就算我有多伤心生气,我也会带过了。因为最重要的是你不要生气伤心.. 只要你快乐,我就会快乐了。

你知道只要你的几句话,能控制我的喜怒哀乐吗? 当我伤心生气的时候,你只会说:“你可以不要将吗,你这样弄到我很没心情。”或说一些让我更难啃下的话。而我哭的时候,更惨,你会说:“你每天将哭,你不累的咩? 好过你想清楚你有没有决定错哦。”而你知道你说过的几这句话有多伤我的心吗? 我都不知该怎么形容.. 为什么你不能安慰我,哄我呢? 这个很简单啊,你只要说你平时说的甜言蜜语就行了,很难吗? 我们都经过那么多事了,你还不懂吗? 虽然是这样,但我不会放弃的。因为只有你能给我最想要的幸福和开心,我永远都会爱你一个,张统宏。

今天我发了一个美梦,一个让我好想在梦里永远不醒的梦。你知道吗? 那时候在梦里的你让我真的真的很感动,我感动到流泪了。其实那只是很小的事,但已经足够让我感动到流泪了。在梦里,那是完整的一天,梦到你陪我一整天,这一天你我做了许多很很简单但让我很开心的事,直到晚上,你做了最让我感动的一件事,就在那时候,我感动到流泪了。我醒来以后,我多希望你有一天真的会跟梦里一样的对我。我真的好想实现这个梦,你能吗? 如果我能贪心点,我希望每一天都这样。但就算只有一天,我已经很开心了。


♥ l0ves la0g0ng~
♥ muackss~

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Boring day~

Today wake up ar0und 12.. thn i g0 c my phn, waohh~ gt 6 msg is fr0m t0ny dear~ he is s0o0o0o0 w0rry ab0ut me cs me nvr n0 reply his msg.. Mayb is me tis few days t0o tired j0r s0 t0day slp till late =P

Wh0le aftn0on at hse watch tv, play c0mp n sms wif t0ny only.. My la0g0ng g0 shen shan tuu.. haiz~ sy0k larhh he T.T~ Whn ar0und 7 sumthg, my dad n mum brg me g0 city mall.. thn we hv our dinner at sushi king.. Yeahh~~ my fav0urite f0od ^^V

Tml is h0liday.. dn n0e at hum wnna d0 wat.. cham cham =( bt h0liday b0ring at is BETTER at scul~ wahahaha xD

Today als0 is a special day 4 me larhh.. is t0ny n i c0uple 3 m0nth j0r ^^ hahaha.. i l0ve y0u la0g0ng.. muackss!! hehe =)

I ♥ l0ve y0u, t0ny~

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy day =)

First day play bl0g =) Wao0h~ today tht uec math SO HARD T.T dn n0e i cn get hw many marks on thr only lerhh? cham~ but the pmr math still okay larhh.. jz gt abit i dn n0e hw 2 d0 gehh.. hehe~

Aft scul i g0 cp wif my br0, celine, jing bang n t0ny dear.. Originally we wn watch m0vie gehh.. but the m0vie is t0o late s0 we din hv watch lurhh.. we g0 play i l0ng time din play d DANCE MACHINE n wif t0ny play basketball, i hv my own new sc0re rec0rd 4 my basketball.. 199 tuu xD HAPPY HAPPY~

Thn we g0 sing k g0ng.. haha~ sing lia0 1 h0ur thn g0 play POOL wif t0ny xD he bully me gehh xD n tht time gt abit funny thg happened.. wahahaha~ 5 m0re lik tht my dad cum fetch my br0 n i g0 hyatt eat buffer dinner =) many FOOD n s0 nice t0o~ make me s0 full xD

♥ l0ves n miss t0ny la0g0ng..
♥ muackss =)